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Everything posted by Beardedbob

  1. Beardedbob

    Equip Weapon Scope Into Hands For Scouting

    Sounds like a good idea to me
  2. Beardedbob

    Melee Balance To Reduce KOS

    This happened to me recently after chatting with them as I hadn't realised the punch was that deadly, so now if they get to close after I call stay away there dead simples, or until u can counter punch or block.
  3. Beardedbob

    Drag Dead Bodys

    Agreed would be a good addition
  4. Beardedbob

    Name of the game: Survival.

    I would back this idea
  5. Beardedbob

    Delayed death

    I like the idea as long as your vision and aim is impaired.
  6. Beardedbob

    How about some stats

    Hi, I would like to see some stats for things like time alive, items looted, amount if food consumed, water drank, zombies killed etc for the characters life and also an element of character leveling only small say 1 to 5 for aim, stamina, strength etc, abit like what's in project zombiod. Someone might have already mentioned this but hey ho. Bob
  7. Beardedbob

    Land mines and trip wires

    Hi, I would like to see both personal mines and also trip wires either to create a sound so you know someone is close or to trigger an explosive.
  8. Beardedbob

    Hero/bandit skin perks idea

    I would like to se some skin for a bandit or hero so that when you see them in game you can tell visually if they are dangerous or have been killing / holding people up. I would wear the bandit skin with pride :-). I don't think there should be any penalty though for each just a different visual look.