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Everything posted by Jonah_Hobbes

  1. Jonah_Hobbes

    ah man im fuming! im big noob..must read

    funny I know that "don't get attached to your gear" shit but I can't shake it. As soon as I'm fully geared I lose interest in the game and move on. I just can't put my toon in silly situations that will get him killed.
  2. Jonah_Hobbes

    Returning to the game again

    thanks guys I appreciate your answers.
  3. Jonah_Hobbes

    jumping off a deerstand

    I'd get it if age was part of the toons make up. Generally though I reckon the toon is in his early 20's and hyped. When I was that age I did many stupid things and did not break anything nor did my mates. We jumped off all sort of shit.
  4. Jonah_Hobbes

    jumping off a deerstand

    No and I've seen a pissed up guy jump 3 meters and f$ck his ankle up for the rest of his life. But I'm thinking our toon is young, can run all day, is hyper due to washing up on a shore with infected humans. I reckon he would take care jumping down such a small height.
  5. Jonah_Hobbes

    jumping off a deerstand

    I wasn't geared. I was a new spawn. My fully geared toon got wiped by I'm guessing a patch update? Not played in awhile due to Warthunder and Middle Earth but DayZ always pulls me back eventually.
  6. Jonah_Hobbes

    jumping off a deerstand

    haha! Really? that's funny
  7. Jonah_Hobbes

    Tired running around for trucks >=[

    Had a DayZ break are trucks permenant like tents?
  8. Jonah_Hobbes


    Running up hills just seems to make them run faster I've found lately
  9. Jonah_Hobbes

    What is "Fully Geared" to you?

    Yeah binoculars do exist and are very fine.
  10. Jonah_Hobbes

    Sorry =UN= guy....

    I've been there myself, the sudden shock of seeing someone and it's an autonomic response, used to regularly empty a M4 mag into someone
  11. Jonah_Hobbes

    So I finally found a tent... any tips?

    You also want it to be accessible if you are a new spawn. Not in the far reaches of the map.
  12. Jonah_Hobbes

    Sorry =UN= guy....

    Haha Killers guilt love it!
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerne_Abbas_Giant Used to live near it, it's pretty impressive as is the white horse of Uffington and the Long Man of Wilmington
  14. It's a copy of the Cerne Abbas Giant in Dorset England.
  15. Used to be near the North East Airfield. Not been there for ages. Near Olsha?? edit: 126 022
  16. Jonah_Hobbes

    It's only a matter of time before you randomly die.

    Yeah but if you keep getting broken bones or other injuries it will catch up with you. I'm carrying several injuries, (hip injury from cycling, running injury and bicep injury from weights), that are taking awhile to heal. I don't think the hip will ever be as good as it was, So to represent cumulative injuries in-game the bone mechanic to me makes sense.
  17. Jonah_Hobbes

    Question about Fighting

    As Budlime says side step as they charge and that will give you a couple of seconds to get a blow in. If you miss keep moving out of their reach and wait for them to lunge again and side step. You'll know you've made contact as you will hear the thud sound. I now go for a body shot with an axe as I was missing occasionally with a head shot in 3rd person. Most Z's one hit with a fire axe. Soldier Z's two hits.
  18. Jonah_Hobbes

    Game Changing Sound Problem

    Yeah and I hate those zombies that wear slippers so you can't hear em creep up on you. Luckly I drink powered milk for super strong bones!
  19. Jonah_Hobbes

    Til death do us part - Bone effect

    Yeah I know what you mean. My survival instinct tells me not to run around high population areas as it will increase my chance of getting killed. On the other hand I'm almost pretty much fully geared, (basically just a scope away), but then what? Risk losing everything just to help the odd fresh spawn? Then boredom kicks in and I take a break from the game. That's what disappointed me about my tent getting wiped after maintenance. The tent gave me a reason to keep playing, it was almost the start of base-building. I am happy with the bone dynamic as it will force me to start again. Damn but I get attached to my toons!
  20. Jonah_Hobbes

    It's only a matter of time before you randomly die.

    But maybe it's realistic? The more injuries you get in real life tend to add up over time. The peak fitness appears to be healthy, energized and hydrated. Once you reached that if you keep getting injured you'll eventually die. I don't have a problem with this. Remember there is no access to surgery, physio or rehab. Eventually running around getting hit all the time without decent medical care will kill you.
  21. Jonah_Hobbes

    It's only a matter of time before you randomly die.

    This bone stuff. Is it true? I am rubbish at fighting with Z's have had two broken legs and one broken arm and been hit loads of times but I'm still alive.
  22. Jonah_Hobbes

    food art ?

  23. Jonah_Hobbes

    food art ?

    Absolutely not. As I said to Miranda my wife, You've met Miranda? Investment Banker in Elektro? I said Miranda I'm all for Shabby Chic and the decor was quite charming, but I said Miranda all the furniture seems somewhat badly damaged, positively ruined! They say that the further you go north of Berezino the more rustic the food gets, I can't argue with that. Talking of Berezino have you tried that little Cuban place Romero's? With the "blood stains" on the floor?? It's a riot! I was only saying to Miranda the other day, Miranda the food at Romero's I would positively kill on sight for!
  24. Jonah_Hobbes

    food art ?

    Yes we discovered it in a lovely little bistro just outside of Turovo. The decor was really Soviet Era and styled to look like a military barracks - how very post modern! My only criticism was the service. The waitress was very slow with our order, she was almost lifeless!
  25. Jonah_Hobbes

    Don't answer the door when you are playing Dayz

    Nah sorry mate I was in a sh*tty after picking up and injury going out for a run. I've got 6 bikes, teach cycle skills and have done 200mile+ events and have ridden for around 20 years in several countries. I've tried lowering a seat nose down when I was breaking in a crappy WTB saddle for one of the Mountain bikes that I was using as a foul weather commuter. I spent all the time pushing myself back up the saddle and it was a nightmare and probably not good for the knees or back. I reckon if you made some adjustments and leveled it, you would notice a improvement in your cadence and and improved form. I'm fairly sure you back would be straighter and you would have less shoulder movement making you cycling experience better. Nothing beats a professional fit though. I've had two, one was done by videoing me and making adjustments and that was disaster and I never went back to the shop. The second guy just took one look at my feet correctly judged my right shoe size and fitted me using a plumb line and just his eye. He was amazing the road bike felt completely different and I could do long distance events completely comfortably. If you are doing long distances then I'd take it in to a bike shop that has a good reputation and see what they say about your seat. Also if you get a chance road bars might be an option as you can swap your hands around more. Either that or some bar ends. Although some folk still prefer flat bars, I'd never go back to them if I cycling any distance.