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Snawfu (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Snawfu (DayZ)

  1. Snawfu (DayZ)

    Important! Is it to be? Or not to be?

    When standalone MIGHT be able to be ported and that's a huge if. Game the scale of ArmA3 could never be ported to a console. Even the amount of controls would overwhelm the controller.
  2. Snawfu (DayZ)

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    You didn't deploy your bipod. That's why it didn't do anything for you.
  3. 1/5 for effort. Any of these changes aren't comparable to Call of Duty.
  4. Professional and well-thought post. Absolutely seconded. They should be combating KOS in different ways (which they have done), not just adjusting gunplay and making them inaccurate for no reason.
  5. Snawfu (DayZ)

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    Everyone goes absolutely spastic when OP reports a legit issue. These forums are worse than I thought.
  6. Snawfu (DayZ)

    How to not be killed on sight

    In my over 1000hrs of playing the DayzMod I've found out that, unsurprisingly, most people are fucking retarded. If you don't want to get shot, don't expose yourself. Most people don't even make it north where almost everyone shoots on sight. Even with all these changes to hinder PvP-gameplay (making it impossible to give call outs since they destroyed the compass, item degradation and so forth) people will still most likely shoot any random players, especially if armed. So I suggest you learn how to survive by avoiding encounters if you can't handle yourself in a gunfight or eventually joining a server where PvP isn't allowed (this actually exists).
  7. Snawfu (DayZ)

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    Actually with third person you can extremely easily create situations where the playing field isn't level with two other players by looking over a wall whereas the other person, even with third person, won't be able to see you because of the difference in the camera angle. This is a fact, not an opinion. First person removes this.
  8. Snawfu (DayZ)

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    Are you serious? The other is a game-breaking exploit and the other is a playstyle. How are these in any way comparable?
  9. Snawfu (DayZ)

    Ruined items after PvP

    Either I'm extremely unlucky that everyone is carrying around ruined shit anyway or there is something wrong with the hit detection of the area people get shot in. I often see pants being completely broken and all the items in them aswell after putting shots into someone's chest/head area.
  10. Snawfu (DayZ)

    Ruined items after PvP

    There's nothing wrong with the mechanic itself but the fact that EVERYTHING (literally) gets ruined/badly damaged from getting shot by like 1 bullet (headshot) or a couple (burst to the chest) isn't right either. I'd understand it if you meleed someone to death or literally sprayed him full of holes but when it's a couple shots I find it a bit silly/excessive/unrealistic. If you are going for realism here, not every single thing in someone's inventory/backpack should get destroyed by getting shot a few times.
  11. Snawfu (DayZ)

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    I heard about the intended way to prevent server hopping for loot and such. (Multiplying up from 30s). Here's show I think it should be done: Everytime you join a server a static timer will start counting down and if you play on that server long enough for the timer to go down you can join a new one without delay. Say the timer is 60 minutes, you join a server, play 15 minutes, you need to wait 45 minutes to join a new one (can join the one you were previously on). Obviously the actual timer can be changed to match what would work best. I think this would at least help remedy the server hopping for loot since with the multiply timer you can server hop 6 times before it actually becomes a nuisance. I don't know how hard this would be from a development standpoint, just my 2 cents on the issue. To prevent combat logging so easily; a simple timer like on most of the dayzmod versions should do fine. Or if not a timer make it so your character stays in the game for 30 seconds even after you press disconnect making it so you need to find a safe place to log out.
  12. Snawfu (DayZ)

    Too many veterans

    Adapt or die. That's how I see this.