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Everything posted by Zacam

  1. Zacam

    So Sacriel trolled everyone?

    Translate of the 0.30.113918 Notes: The final line didn't translate properly, but has something to do with a players body disappearing after death and the player disconnects. Whether that means it will now remain behind and be lootable, I don't know.
  2. sNju: Never said it was. However, I don't experience acceleration issues so I don't know what more to say on the subject other than to address the disparity of the in-game UI vs. the config file for what option IS available.
  3. I've discovered that only the INGAME toggle for Mouse Smoothing doesn't work. It still affects the option, there is just no "OFF" graphic to display. Check in your User Documents folder for a "DayZ" folder. In it is a file called %Username$.DayZProfile. At around line 292 in that file is: mouseSmoothing=0; If it is a "=1" just make it 0 and your set. Also bear in mind that this is the only direct setting edit right now that I can even suggest or recommend making, don't touch anything else unless you don't mind breaking things. And make a backup first.