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About nishka

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  1. nishka


    On some servers items don't despawn after restart, but the new ones do. This leads to rooms with like 100 items everywhere. It is ridiculous! In the upper prison room, I had like 5 fps because there was I think like one thousand total items there, all beds and floor were not visible anymore. Helmets, boots, clothes, ammo for pistols... Why?
  2. nishka

    Arma 2 demo+OA+Dayz=?

    No, this has a download link that redirects to Arma 2 page and arma 2 Free is no longer available there :(
  3. I played Dayz like a year ago. I remember that Arma 2 was for free do download and then i just bought OA And now There is no free Arma 2, only the demo. Will Dayz work if I download the demo, install OA, and then Dayz mod?
  4. nishka

    New sound bug

    I was at NWAF and I heard a noise coming from a certain direction. It was like *hit* *hit* *hit* like some hard object hitting asnoher hard object. I thought that maybe its the sound of using the pickaxe on the stone. So I followed the sound and when I got to a place where some rocks layed, there as no one there. No one could run that fast, because I heard the sound once more when I was approaching the site. So I figured "yeah thats another sound bug". But what was weird about it that it wasnt like previous can opening bug, it was coming from a certain direction, I have good headset and I could definitely telll where did it come from. So later I heard it again but this time I knew that it must have been a bug, becuse that time there was no rock s nearby, only open fields. After that I saw 2 players from the distance shooting a horde of zombies, but thats another story
  5. nishka

    Somone already got 0.49 version ?

    What will patch 49 implement?
  6. nishka

    Tents...anyone having issues?

  7. nishka

    If you like Frankie , you will love this guy !

    I hate his voice When you have such deep voice you cannot be funny
  8. nishka

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT AMD Athalon 7750 dual core 4GB ram 64 bit win 7 I have no clue about computers I just want t have more than 15 fps (I managed 20 with tremendous graphic downgrading in the files) I cry when I see videos of Dayz when people have high graphics and smooth preformance I am poor no money for better computer yet I an most of modern games normally only Dayz lags why im sorry
  9. I am sick of spawning on the east. I am sick of Berezino and Krasnostav I have never spawned in Komarowo for exaplme, where I always ended up in the mod Why cant we spawn in random places on the whole map? This would relax Berezino warzone and repopolate forgotten areas. Or maybe its just me who always spawns on the eastern coast.
  10. I was in Berezino. I broke my leg after falling off a ladder in a commieblock (stupid bug). I had a SKS with like 100+ bullets. I was playing alone so i thought that no one is gonna help me. I decided to snipe people. There was no one around so I just was firing at the buldings and in the air. I crawled down the main street and no one came (it was 30+ server). After I fired all the bullets I opened my backpack and saw a morphine injector. I used it and jumped off a building to death.
  11. nishka

    Don't worry

    I know that many people are annoyed by items dissapearing after putting then on the ground. They reappear after like 1min. It happened to me couple of times