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About RickyS

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RickyS

    Looking for US players, 18+.

    Name: Jack Central Time Zone Here is my steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/Saclet1706/
  2. Oh yeah I did that one time, took me half hour to run from the coast to where I died but my corpse was disappeared without any trail and I was the only one in the server at that time.
  3. For how long? Forever? I heard it might take up to one hour at maximum but mine is over 3 hours already. I wish I could travel back in time to tell myself not to buy this game so I can save money and time to play Starbound.
  4. Thanks for the advice, but honestly there were some assholes who were keep running from nowhere and gunned me down when I was trying to find water and food at the towns around spawn spots. So I changed the tactic by rushed to airfield to collect gears then I had some revenges but it wasn't for long before I got bored and gave up the manhunt and travel around. But now it's seem like everything is gone good because of the damn bug. I just want to cry!!
  5. I saw a guy said that in this forum but I tried like dozen of times but it still useless, I swear I really want to kill someone for this...
  6. Hello, I'm new player for this game, I knew it's hard but I did enjoy it. I played it for about 15 hours continuously but thing happened, someone knocked my door so I hided my character beside a big tree to make sure no one will see me. I did tried to look for zombie but I didn't see any of them nearby, after answer to the guy who lived next door (for a minute) I ran back to my PC and saw a zombie was hitting my character and he felt into unconscious, these f**king zombies can see me in extremely far distance in the airfield area which I don't know why. Back to the topic, my character got unconscious but I don't want to hit respawn because by doing that I will just waste my 15 hours playtime for nothing. I can't do that, so I decided to wait, but it's already 3 hours and I'm still seeing the message "you are unconscious". Are there anyway to help me get out of this situation, it made me feel so damn mad which I wish could make a bomb then blow the fcking douche bag who created the buggy unconsciousness system away, DAMN IT!! Please help me, PLEASE!!