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About FundtheMental

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  1. FundtheMental

    Invisible players

    i expericened something just like it! me and my friend went to NE airfield we took our time and scoped the place out for a good 15 min then decided to go in. On the middle of the runway someone started to shoot at us and we ran back in to the woods and we anticipated that the attacker would follow so we ran in a hook so we could see if someone was following us. We took cover behind really good cover and bushes and used 3d person and spotted a lone guy following. I took him out but we didnt see anyone else but all of a sudden someone started to fire upon us with m4. Couldnt tell where or how far but the shots was landing all over us so we decided to split. I ran around the whole airfield through the woods and when i was at the otherside waiting for my m8 who took the other way around someone started to shoot at me again i ran and tried to hide but the fucker got me when i was crouching in a evergreen. During this whole time neither did i or my friend spot anyone wich is really weird as we always had a 360 defense and was stationary in good cover in 3d person. At the time we thought it was hackers but maybe it was a bug
  2. FundtheMental

    Firefights for dayZ

    so once i was on the firestation roof in cherno with my buddy we saw a group of 4 players right across at the hospital, 3 guys standing in a ring and one looting the hospital (hes howed up later). It was quite a distance so we really didnt see so good but we just had to take our chance. I had a PU scope so i landed the first shoot on the guy standing in the middle, perfect shoot if i might add, he drops down and all the other players starts to freak out they take cover and starts to return fire. At this point people are running like crazy on the otherside from cover to cover while we do our best to try to hit them. One of the guys had a mosin with sniper scope so he started to pin us down from the hospital roof. We were in a really bad spot we had to do something so i break the cover and rush for the ladder to climb down, just as i reach the ladder the sniper sees me and shoots, i hear it wizzing by my head but it missed me barely. So now i rush for higher ground while my friend was shooting supressive fire. I climb all the way up the Silo in central cherno.and try to locate this pesky sniper and see him on the hospital roof so i take my aim and shoot. Blam! headshot but his helmet saved him was quite a spectacular shot i saw the bullet making sparks as it hit the helmet. I quikly shoot another one and he dies. Now i cover my friend from here and he flanks from the right. When he reached the hospital all of them was dead, we really didnt see any of our kills except the sniper and the first guy due to the distance. That was so intense!"
  3. FundtheMental

    Killed by nothing?

    ive been killed many times where i didnt hear anything. I always remain in the "dead" screen to listen if someone loots me and everytime i just die randomly there is always someone looting me shortly after. So maybee the sound is bugged? or you simply die before you hear the bullet
  4. FundtheMental

    40 hours in review with suggestions.

    well you know that they will implement cars and car parts etc... and probably bikes 2
  5. FundtheMental

    Hilarious Video

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7hIeNPkvqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkTPFAR5sn0
  6. FundtheMental

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    in my country Effective range is the range where you can hit 10/10 shots with maximum 12mm dispersion, prone with steel sights i dont know what you mean 5.56 bullet can kill at 2000m is that effective range?
  7. FundtheMental

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    you must be talking about yards.... anyway i did some youtube search didnt find any video of a guy shooting at 500m with a m4a1... Oh so i must be shit? the great american humbleness ;)
  8. FundtheMental

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    yeah maybe with a sniper sight attached to it... the crosshair of the ironsight is about double the size of a man that distance einstein
  9. FundtheMental

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    but yeah atm the accuracy is to low
  10. FundtheMental

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    i would really like to see someone land shot after shot while standing at 300m... thats is really hard and dont give me some bs that you with ease hit your targets standing with a shortbarreld automatic rifle at that range i know my facts as i am currently working as a soldier. Some guy earlier in this post said 250m is the effective range and i totaly agree. Prone you would land a body shot at a non moving object at 300m if aiming at center of mass but when is someone completly still standing uppright on a field daytime? and 500 m prone? reality check please...