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About globalwar

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    On the Coast
  1. globalwar

    M4 assault rifle accuracy test (VIDEO)

    False Do you know how weapons operate? What exacly do you think would make a weapon inaccurate if it sits for years? What maintenace do you think a weapon needs (aside from cleaning/oiling it after you fire it)? Ofcourse if you leave one laying in a field for years it could and would get damaged. But in that case, it would be more about whether it rips itself apart or if it will even fire at all rather then accuracy. I'm a civilan (always have been) who has owned multiple weapons for 20 years, been shooting off and on for around 26-27 years. I don't shoot often, maybe a once or twice ever few years on average (last time I shot any of them was 4 years ago), a few houndred rounds at a time. I clean my weapons after I use them, then they get put away and untouched. One of them sits in a closet, I have no speical case or safe for them. Guess what, they are just as accurate as the last time I shot them, everytime. If I take one or all of them out right now they will have lost NO accuracy what so ever, after 4 years of sitting. I could be wrong on a few things, but I'm going off of first hand knowledge, which you clearly are not. I suggest you research things before you go stating them as facts. ;) Edit: I know cleaning should be done periodically or a weapon will deteriorate faster, but I'm slack and don't do it. But thats my point, even not doing it, my weapons don't lose accuracy.
  2. globalwar

    What graphics card would you recommend?

    I'm using a GTX 770 4 Gb, Core Clock @ 1241 MHz - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133499 I get around, 25 - 35 FPS in citys, averaging around 28 - 31 45 - 65 FPS in the wilderness, averaging around 50 - 54 The game is not optimised very well yet so the game seems to only use around 30% - 60% of this card. Although it does use 99% of my card while on the main menu, lol. Hope this info helps. Edit: im also using, Launch options "-maxMem=4096 -maxVRAM=4096 -cpuCount=8 -exThreads=7", for my FX8150 @ 4.2 GHz sceneComplexity=150000; shadowZDistance=100; viewDistance=1600; preferredObjectViewDistance=1600;
  3. globalwar

    Too many veterans

    @ OP I'm a new player to dayz, I've never played the mod (although I've known about it and thought about buying it but never did). I've put something like 4-6 hours into playing normal Arma II well over a year ago (didnt like it too much). But I bought dayz SA on day one and started my dayz adventure. After playing for a couple hours around the coast, died a few times, never found anything great, only food, water, small pack, melee weapons. I decided to use my brain and come read the fourms to learn more about the game, someone posted an early map and theres talk about going north for unlooted areas. Thats all I needed. I've suffered from none of the things you're calling a problem. "Very difficult to find squat." - No way, its WAY to easy. After a simple tip from a nice player I ran into, I had pistols and ammo (over many deaths) in the first 24 hours I ever played dayz. Then after reading the fourms, You only need to head north. I'm hoping for a big nerf, its just too easy to get fully armed and everything you need. I don't think I've been on a server that I havent seen many people armed to the teeth (maybe at night, but its not like I can see good to tell what all the players have). On day 4 of learning dayz, its taking me about 30 mins to an hour to get fully geared (M4 with attachments, extra mags, med supplys, food/water), depending on how long since the last server restart. Since I started going north (on day 2) I dont think its takin me over 2 hours to get fully geared, in the worse case. It seems like theres always somewhere to loot, you just need to travel a bit. Lone wolf (aka new players) is nigh impossible. - Umm, although I do die (what dayz player doesnt?) I'm not having a problem with it, I find it easyer to lone wolf since I can move slower and take my time scouting areas before I move in and i don't have anyone to worry about but myself. Area doors open? Its prob been looted or has players there, move on to next destination or find the player and wait for him to go into houses to move closer and closer to ambush him for easy loot, simple, easy. "Zombies move through buildings great, floors matter not." - I was shocked the first time I saw it but once I knew, no big deal, their easy to deal with aslong as I have a melee weapon or I can just run away, easy and I trust they will be fixed in time, np. "Veterans are harming newcomers to the game, veterans are too good at it, and newbies will be discouraged." - Umm, is this a joke? I couldnt disagree more. I've played dayz for 35 hours since I bought it, I've never played it before. Do I fear veterans? Hell no, at the core this is just a FPS, its my aiming skills/tactics Vs theirs. I've never once (even on my first hour of play) thought "I hope this guy is new like me or I hope this is not a dayz mod vet" when running into another player. I don't care how long you've played the mod, If I shoot you, you die! If anything, I'ed rather it be a vet, If you happen to kill me, then you've tought me something. If i kill you, well then....you just got killed by a newcomer and I'm sure I've already killed my fair share of vets (I don't KOS or kill unarmed players unless they come at me). Please come kill me and make me stronger! The hard part to this game for me is learning the map, without a compass I have a hard time getting around. I can do it, but it takes me alot longer then it should. I got lost tonight for around 1-2 hours, but then found a town with landmarks and I was able to find my position. With that said, every day its getting easyer to recognize the terrain. I'm not getting slaughtered and more often then not, the players I run into have no interest in harming me, their only worryed about me harming them. Maybe I'm an exception to what your talking about, but I don't think so. All a player has to do it use their brain a bit and keep playing. If thats to hard for them, this is not the game for them and even holding their hand to help them learn is not going to stop them from quiting after they lose all their stuff a few times. P.S Sorry for my grammer and any spelling mistakes, also for the long winded post. I just wanted to add the opinion of a newcomer. Great game, I'm having a blast and look forward to future development!