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About element3ls

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. element3ls

    Anybody else got Desync problems?

    happened to me as well! so bad desync its like im in another dimension
  2. element3ls

    Cant seem to see players moving

    It happened in all the servers I joined in.. ill try more
  3. element3ls

    Cant seem to see players moving

    But mine lasts reallly realllyy long. it was fine two days ago, but since this morning a few servers where having problems. I hope this is just due to the server getting ready for the 0.30 update
  4. Hey, recently I have encountered this problem. I dont know how to categorize it but here it goes. I join a server with my friends. We all log in, then I see them standing in place, but they are actually moving. They can see me running and stuff. AND, if I punch their character, they will get hurt, even though they have already moved.....