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About hedich

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  1. hedich

    Windowed Mode?

    here you go, works perfectly and is borderless aswell. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131165-Any-way-to-run-Arma-at-quot-windowed-full-screen-quot also this: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2737398 <-- Dwarden making himself look bad :P
  2. hedich

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Actually they're not a problem at all. You can remove them all if you've got a toolbox. It's just a bit difficult to aim at the wire to get the action to remove it. the ratio toolbox to wire/traps is really bad, and is not a solution to the problem, most of the time when you need to hide from a player or (in most cases) zeds you don't have time to search for the right spot to remove them, we all know this and its time to remove the traps from the game, OR allow us to vault over them. (lose some blood when vaulting over wire etc) its not hard to sort this out.
  3. hedich

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I haven't read through all the thread but I hope to god you are planing to do something about the barbwire/tank traps, its at a point where I don't even feel like logging in because on most servers all the loot spots are being exploited with them. I hope you are playing the game yourself and not just on a dev server rocket, because it is getting to a point where it really breaks the game. ..
  4. hedich

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    wow.. this thread is filled with super dayz fanboys that think that dayz is there own little baby' hilarious! bring some more tears and i will go fetch the popcorn!
  5. just another lame attempt by a random streamer to get viewers, he is doing nothing.
  6. http://www.six-updater.net/ run six updater to install things, do not use six launcher.
  7. hedich


    i just leg it to a barn or straight into cherno/elektro and just loot everything i need i hate crawling around just to end up dying after an hour, better to just run around until you find a gun and then you are good to go. so frustrating watching live streams or youtube and seeing people crawling for 20 min just go get into a house >< and now when you can 'los' zeds its even more easy just run through a house with two exits and then a sharp turn and they are gone.
  8. hedich

    Don't punish bandits; reward survivors

    what happens when the bandits have all the gear he needs then? loot spawns don't mean anything at all then ><
  9. hedich

    Bottle Suppressors

    quote i found: "In a post apocalyptic world, you are shopping in a supermarket with your high-powered sniper rifle slung across your shoulder. All of the sudden, alien invaders burst into the supermarket. You notice that the head honcho alien who's brain serves as a central brainwave server is among the intruders. Seeing as how the aliens havn't seen you yet, you quickly devise a plan. You grab the items from your cart and jump on top of the freezer isle behind the igloo coolers. Your plan is to take out the honcho alien without revealing your position. Since your not super creative, you don't think of anything clever aside from shooting him. So! you need a silencer. Among your grocery items you happen to have a newspaper, a 2 litre bottle of soda, and some electrical tape. Good! thats all you'll need... plus your trusty sniper rifle." :)
  10. Would be nice with a pve server only, so the people that like the pve aspects atmosphere/zeds/scavenging/etc can have fun in without have to get one shot by snipers. PvE Add more pve aspects to the PvE servers, more infected, infected "bosses" that spawns with loads of health and _weapons_ (soldier/officers that have been infected) iam sure people can come up with more amazing PvE features. Tired of the PvE servers? have all the loot that you need? take the gear and jump on to a PvP server. PvP The pvp servers have weapons/gear that do not spawn on PvE servers more weapons added in from arma2 and more vehicles making the pvp servers THE place to be to get the best gear in the game. just a though, and remember just because its a shooter does not mean it have to be pvp all the time.
  11. If you both using steam then this wont be an issue as it switches the regkey's auto when logging in from different steam accounts, so to be honest it sounds like your friend is trolling you and playing with your account on his pc, just change your password and see if it works.
  12. hedich

    Barbwire really?

    I usuly dont bitch about content but this is just to much, just left a server that had barbwire on almost every single loot spot in elektro. this is a greifer tool nothing else needs to go. that's all.