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About Zanora

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    On the Coast

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  1. Hello, I would like to express my concern on a matter that occurred about one year ago, back when it was announced that DayZ would be a standalone game. I remember a special offer that was given to us who wish to help support DayZ, even before it was being worked on (standalone). If we made an early commitment on DayZ, we would only end up paying around $15, get alpha access and all the updates including the full version at no additional cost. Thus when the time was right, we would get notified via email but now I see the game is available on Steam for $30 (alpha stage). I never did received a email notification. I understand there were delays and road blocks on the journey while working on DayZ but I am really worried after all these changes and the time elapse, you guys lost the data on us who made this early purchase or simply forgot about it. I don't know how to look for my purchase records since this took place about one year ago and again, I was supposed to be notified via email. I am still using the same email address. I looked at my emails and PayPal (if that is what I used, could've been a credit card) I just can't recall now. What I do know is the early commitment I made with DayZ. My emotions is somewhat mixed now because there is no way I am paying for a game that I already paid for back about 1 year ago. Saddens me, been looking forward to playing the alpha version. I hope this letter can help us resolve this matter. Thank you for assisting me. -Z