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Everything posted by kokakola88

  1. kokakola88

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    supports revoke plz!
  2. kokakola88

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    When the solution of empty server list will be found???
  3. kokakola88

    HELP ME!!!!11111

    Yesterday i bought your game and i cant play! Server list or empty or i see 2-6 ru servers but i cant connect to them even its not fully... Filter already cheked - tried different configurations (ping 0/1000 max min servers 0/1000 etc. ), no firewalls and antiviruses! Sustem is pure, i even reinstall the windows to play this game! Interet is ok, no routers. Sitting behind a NAT. System configuration is ok... Message of fail connection "cant to connect the server" and something about update... Client have last version... cache in steam already cheked. HELP ME PLZ. I understand that is alfha but not so hardly... sorry for my english.
  4. kokakola88

    HELP ME!!!!11111

    SUPPORTS WHERE ARE U? WTF SERVERS IS DO NOT DISPLAYS??? who should provide technical support ???
  5. kokakola88

    HELP ME!!!!11111

    by the way im usin internet tab
  6. kokakola88

    HELP ME!!!!11111

    support plz revoke! im waited this game a long time and wanna blood... im frustrating...
  7. kokakola88


  8. kokakola88

    HELP ME!!!!11111

    I feel lonely here and I'm scared