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xcess (DayZ)

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About xcess (DayZ)

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  1. xcess (DayZ)

    An idea on solving PVP

    PvP isn't something to be solved, but something to be worked around, if that's your play style. The point is choices. There does need to be more to do outside of PvP, starting settlements and the like, but PvP will give those settlements life, as reason to defend them.
  2. xcess (DayZ)

    Is Dayz using the wrong engine?

    Collision and animation have been problems since Operation Flashpoint. They're the only real engine problems I see.
  3. Stop worrying about aggro. A few walls are all you need to beat the zed.
  4. xcess (DayZ)

    Six Updater download issue

    Haven't seen any toolbars (haven't used it for a few weeks) but when I did use it everything slowed to a crawl. Stayed away from it since my first attempt. edit - lol misread. but siix updater is lame
  5. xcess (DayZ)

    Hoppiing Solved?

    Just restarted and came bak into the game pretty quickly beause my FPS was low, then suddenly fell unconious. Just wondered if this was to deter people from server hopping and DC'ing in combat, or just a bug. DOn't mind too much if it's for a good cause :)
  6. My luck ran out :( Yesterday I had a lucky streak I could hardly believe, I knew it couldn't last long. I was in an apartment block in one of the northern towns, just a little ways off the coast, when I heard the most magical sound: the beep of a car's horn. Excitement got the better of me and I abandoned all discretion and started sprinting around town like a mad man trying to find the source, gaining the attention of every zed in town. I couldn't believe my luck when I stumbled aross the beautiful red machine. It was parked by a store, the owner nowhere to be seen, just waiting to save me from the horde. I jumped in and sped away, feeling a little guilty but grinning from ear to ear anyway. It was low on gas though so I pulled into a nearby construction site, hoping to find a jerry can and a fuel source. I thought my luck had run out when I couldn't find the can, but knowing they turned up in places like these, I decided to hold out. I don't know how llong I was there, but the zomibies kept on coming. At one point I could hear the gunshots of at least two people iin the distance, and I held my ground, the paranoia growing every second, knowing they would come and steal my baby. But they never did, and the gods of the spawns rewarded my efforts. I found a Jerry can, filled up, and was on my way. A short way down the road I saw a shape in the fields, dropping to the ground. I stopped the car, jumped out and dropped to the ground myself, I knew that shape; it wanted my new toy. Our shots rang out at the same time but it was mine that hit home. Among the toys of this dead bandit was an m14, the first I'd seen. It just kept getting better. My luck just kept on flowing. I came across the first crashed helicopter I'd seen, two bizon's an AK and a FAL, more new toys. I even managed to drive through both Electro and Cherno unharmed, the hails of bullets just whistling past. Not wanting to test my luck any further I made camp and hid my car away for the night. When I came back on the next day however, my car was still there, but all II had stored inside it was gone, I could feel my luck coming to an end. I didn't do much more than drive around, looking for fuel and seeing the sites, until I cam across an abandoned ATV, with a map tucked away inside. I thought perhaps my luck was turniing around when, not even 100 meters away I found a Toyota sitting in the trees. I had a cursory look around, expecting the owners to be away, and seeing nothing, decided to check it out. My fun ended there.
  7. xcess (DayZ)

    Lee Enfield or Double barreled shotgun?

    Enfield all the way. The noise isn't a problem when it comes to attracting zombies if you keep moving.
  8. xcess (DayZ)

    Have 5 SVD Mags for Trade

    I've got two bizons, an fn fal, aks-74u and an enfield if anyone wants one :)
  9. defending a vehicle gives you something to play for.
  10. Just found my first vehicle other than a bike (which was awesome but has no cargo space) so I can relate.More please :D So scared it won't be there when I log in tommorrow.
  11. xcess (DayZ)

    1st Experience: NW Airfield

    When I went there it was empty. Evil murderous bench got me though. Bastard.
  12. xcess (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You can use the barrel fires and tire piles to cook...
  13. xcess (DayZ)

    Barbed wire?

    doesn't stop zomiies, just locks off loot. barbed wire is lame as it is right now.
  14. xcess (DayZ)

    Scariest experience in DAYZ? SHARE!

    The time I was killed by a bench.