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About _Hawkeye_

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. _Hawkeye_

    Still can't see direct communications

    Well if ppl are talkin or typin I can't see any of it. i have direct chat only, I've tried switching chat channells but only Direct is visable. i know thats not normal for ArmA2-3 i thought maybe it was a gameplay issue or somthing. But regardless makes life much harder tryin to negotiate un-friendly territory.
  2. _Hawkeye_

    Connection Lost

    Just occured again within maybe 30 mins ingame. ran a diagnostic after the ingame connection lost occured an the diagnotic said the connection was broken. We'll get with ISP tomorrow an see what they think if'n it's my internet an possibly not the game. As lookin at my conection from taskbar says my connection is poor.
  3. _Hawkeye_

    Connection Lost

    Ok i just purchased this via steam earlier tonite. Anyways i have been experiencing connection lost issues that are fairly common like they were in ArmA1 an ArmA2 "connection lost". Though the new issue i've experienced here is that i cannot reconect or get the master server list to re-appear. after closing the game down i than try to attempt to access the internet an it appears my internet connection has stopped an the only way to repair(that i've tried) is to restart my pc. I've re-installed the game once an will test more to see if it keeps re-occuring as it did before an causing my internet to go down.
  4. _Hawkeye_

    Looking for US players, 18+.

    Yeah lookin also. kinda differnt from playing ArmA. I took a risk an bought this but it's frustrating as I nvr really played the mod that much so I just run around an try not to die, but most shoot 1st an ask questions later so I duno would be much better in a team enviorment..steamid call9113840 message me DayZ or I may ignore request. I've played ArmA2 since release an know the island of Chenarus fairly well minus the changes the stand alone Chenarus-plus.