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About fellsm

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. check out the link with the sawed shotgun n the ground https://twitter.com/DayZRussia/status/423398191321460737/photo/1
  2. fellsm

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    man at this steps yeah are going to get the game pretty damn stable for an alpha im really proud with the team great job guys
  3. fellsm


    ok so i was at the fire station right and there was this pistol in the floor but i could only access-it trough the inventory and the gun would keep blinking so i was like ok let me try to grab it when it was blinking so i grabbed and it keept blinking and then i dropped in to my inventory and i just died like that boom you are dead i didn't get mad or any thing cause i know it just alpha