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About bbsnipes

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bbsnipes

    Help Spawn Vehicles on 1.8.1

    I ran it twice and it spawned in about 73 vehicles, but everytime I run the procedure again it says Error Code: 1366. Incorrect decimal value: '' for column '' at row -1. I even tried editing the pMain like you mentioned in your post and also increased the maximums above the limit. However it won't spawn anymore. Also, how did you quickly generate all those spawn points?
  2. bbsnipes

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Can anyone offer some insight on how the new vehicle system works? It appears that none are spawning on my server, and I haven't figured out how to spawn x number of vehicles in random locations across the map.
  3. bbsnipes

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Thanks for the blazing fast reply. In regards to default loadouts, is this now hardcoded into the pbo files? Seem to spawn with roadflares and 2 bandages only, I'm trying to add at least 1 can of food and drink to be fair. Would love to be able to tweak it if I knew where it was defined. :)
  4. bbsnipes

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Just a few questions I have regarding this update and the server that I run. Vehicles are not spawning at all for me, I've tried upping the chances to 0.99, up'd max number of spawns and still nothing is spawning in their specified spawn points. I've tried numerous things and nothing has worked. Object_data is empty, I'm assuming that's where the spawned vehicles go or something but its always empty. I remember there used to be a bat that generated a specified number of vehicles on your server. Also, is there a way to change the default loadout? Since it appears there is no more loading from the instance table. Where is the loadout specified? I was assuming it is hidden in some pbo in the server files. And finally, has support for custom loadouts been removed? As they appear to not work anymore as well. Thanks, great update, just trying to get my server up to speed!
  5. bbsnipes

    Join the fun in HELL!

    Great server, awesome additions which make the mod much more enjoyable. It is indeed fun to play the last days of the mod before standalone is fully out.