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Everything posted by sven0341

  1. So i just discovered DayZ, via youtube a couple weeks ago and have finally convinced my wife to let me spend some money getting a new pc so close to the holidays. I am wondering which DayZ i should start playing for the first time. Should i buy Arma 2 and d/l the mod and start with that till I learn the ropes and everything then maybe get in the alpha? or just play the SA alpha from the get go? Thanks in advance and am really looking forward to playing this game.
  2. sven0341

    New to DayZ, SA or MOD?

    Sounds like everyone is saying to just go with SA, I love the idea of the Perma death, gonna start downloading now and so I can play tonight...
  3. sven0341

    New to DayZ, SA or MOD?

    I am fine with playinga game in development like the sa, I guess,rephrasing a little, will I still be able to get the a decently "full" dayz experience from the SAN even with the limited items out. I will probably get both in the next few months to play around in. Sorry for any typos, I'm posting from my phone.