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Everything posted by Teroniss

  1. I was playing earlier today, usually using a Gameservers hosted server, which always seem to be whitelisted no problem. I logged in to one just now,making sure client is up to date with current patch, and all my stuff got wiped like you see with non-whitelisted. If thats the case, then even major hosts have whitelist problems, and it'd be nice if there was some way to filter them out.
  2. Teroniss

    Suicide Button?

    I agree that there should be an option to respawn without being dead on unconscious. I get that its a survival game, but when you noclip bug off a cliff in the middle of no where and break your leg, its rather damn inconvenient having to wait for your character to starve to death before you can respawn. Especially since that can take upwards of 2-3 hours if well fed