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Everything posted by VILenin

  1. My friend and I both used an alcohol tincture to clean our wounds - having just fought a few zombies and other players - and were immedietably made hungry and sick. We both ate and cleared the hunger, but we can't get rid of the sickness? What is the cause, and what is the cure? I tried eating several antibiotics to no avail.
  2. What is being done about this? I've lost several well equiped characters just because I switched a server to play with a friend. I don't mind dying and losing my character that way, but trying to play with friends and dying is another story! (literally found a 35 spot backpack, axe, tons of food and water in an hour, relogged in 1 minute to play with a friend and my char was gone! wtf). And earlier today, around 7, I developed a fairly well equipped character, and just logged back in at 10. Ran a little further east. Rested. Logged for 2 minutes, came back on, and he was deleted too.