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Everything posted by Chad_13

  1. Chad_13

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    This is a genuine review by an extremely angry person. so me and an american friend started playing this server and were having a great time we had been playing the server for a good few weeks, and were thoroughly enjoying it. no problems what so ever. TODAY. we met up with a couple extra friends, and made our way to west point, and on the way, we ambushed someone in a Ural. Anyway we finished up at west point and started to move off, when an invisible [sA]PHANTUM RANGER teleported to and shot out our tyres (while invisible). He then started saying to me that i had combat logged at the admin island while fighting him and that he was contemplating banning me. ---- Let me clarify this here.. I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO THE ADMIN ISLAND-- The reason i never go there is purely because of the one time i did go there (not sure if it was the same server but it was months previous) i was in a helicopter and before i could even land, my heli was lit up and blown out of the sky.. i thought to myself. ok, nice lets never ever go there again. Anyway back to the story. So i started telling the admin it wasn't me, and he refused to even listen to me. I kept attempting to tell him that it simply could not have been me and i had a witness (my american friend) who i dont play the server without. But nope still wouldn't listen. He had the most condescending attitude i have ever come across. We eventually finished arguing and he left it at a warning. (To which i was still not happy at because i did not combat log on him) however i let it go and stood with my friend at the car waiting for him to fix the damage he had done to the vehicle so that we could carry on our business. He didn't repair it, and had just abandoned us with a now broken vehicle and we were vulnerable to attack. I proceeded to ask in side chat if he was going to fix the vehicle and he would not answer. I made a sarcastic comment in the chat that went something like 'What a truly fantastic admin you are, clearly responsible enough to help run a server and very mature, i really appreciate the fact that you shot out our tyres and abandoned us, thanks alot!' YES, granted the comment was a bit childish but at the time my blood was (excuse my french) Fu#!ing boiling. I got instantly perma banned for "combat logging" - even though i didn't even combat log. - note: i have actually seen people getting multiple warnings for combat logging, but never insta bans. I proceeded to get on the teamspeak server to try and talk to the admin responsible. I sent him some messages asking how i can prove my innocence and asking him what day and time that this supposedly happened incase i happened to be out that day and might have had a receipt that i could use to prove an alibi. I got instantly banned without any response at all from the admin. I asked my friend who happened to still be on the server to try and talk to the admins but they were ignoring him. One of them agreed eventually to let me int he teamspeak so i could try and talk. as soon as i joined i was told "Stay here and shut up" then i got moved room and Phantum joined me, i asked him simply:"is there any way i can try to prove my innocence, because i swear on my life, i did not combat log on you." he said "NO, it was definately you and i tagged you." i then started to say, "uhh okay then, can you tell me what day it was an roughly what time it happened" and before i could even finish properly he interrupted me by permanently banning me. AGAIN. Im not as much angry for being banned, Im more angry because a good server like this has people like that ruining it. Anyway, thats my experience. If anyone would like to start some sort of petition or do something to get this guy eradicated from the server let me know. I know ive seen alot of comments above me also complaining about the same staff and the shocking level of immaturity, condescension and general pig headedness coming from this server. I wish i had seen these comments before i joined. I would not advise playing on here. Regards, Chad