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Everything posted by macstanley

  1. macstanley

    Blood bag

    Hey there, I'd like to know if it's possible to give blood via blood bag to an unconscious player? Today we tried it, but we didn't get any menu for this. We were holding the blood bag in our hands. Any trick with that? He was unconscious because of low food. So we "force eat" him multiple times and even used the defibrilator at the end, but we didn't achieve to wake him up again. Hope someone can help :)
  2. macstanley

    Scopes are wrong.

    As far as I know the Arma engine needs to render it twice, with picture in picture. If I didnt get it wrong, Rocket often mentioned this via reddit. And if things like this are verry important to some players, I am sure it will be looked over by the devs after the game leaves Alpha and later on beta status :) first we need to get rid of some bugs, making the loot respawn so you can survive as fresh spawn and then adding more features!
  3. Thats a difficult thing. For me, the life of my character is already the most important thing, because most of the time I walked 30-45 Minutes to reach my friends who are waiting for me. So if I die I need to walk (and find) the way all over again. And thats one of the main reasons I hate to get killed on sight (when I have no weapons) because I wasted a lot of time. So the strange thing with that is, that the longer I walked, the higher the chance I am willing to kill on sight too when meeting other players, just because I am afraight of getting killed and beeing forced to walk all the way again. So if I always would have the choice to die or give them all my stuff ... there is no question, I would always give them everything. This way I don't need to start all over, but "only" have to find new loot.
  4. macstanley

    What guns do you want to see?

    Yes thats right. But imagine someone tries to kill u up from a hill with an old bolt action rifle. Sounds like a lot more fun to me compared to DMR for example.
  5. macstanley

    What guns do you want to see?

    I fully agree. I'd love to see old hunting rifles or old rifles in general ingame. One part of the game I don't like so much are fully automatic, modern weapons like the one ingame right now for example. But I know the game isnt made for me only, so I need to live with it :p but I often imagine how cool it would be if there weren't any machine guns and 2 players meet in a town, both using bolt action rifles for example. Must be so much adrenaline when not hitting the other guy and starting to reload. Instead of automatic firing him down within seconds. So I am curious what kind of weapons will make it into the game while it is evolving. (And please no high tech snipers, as they will attract KoS players -_-)
  6. macstanley

    Blood bag

    I always wondered what these IV kits are for :) should solve this isue. So was it right to try to give him blood for waking him up? The question from forluna is interesting too. What can we do if one of our group dies? Transfer blood and then defibrilate, or what would be the right order?