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About Sluggin

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  1. Sluggin

    I think DayZ is becoming Tetris.

    Looking good, let's meet up in game. :O
  2. Sluggin

    Failed ambush

    Plot twist: he shot his two friends.
  3. Sluggin

    Please Add The Ability To Text Over The Radio

    I don't think the "fundamentally flawed" engine will allow this
  4. What about the women? How bout their boobs get bigger as they survive o.0
  5. Sluggin

    my survival story

    I've been playing on the same character now for about a week, geared to the teeth. Been surviving on the north side of the map with only a few encounters on airfields and military bases. One guy responded to my "friendly" and offered food and water, the other 4 guys I unfortunately had to take down as self defense due to no response and guns drawn. I too began to get tired of the typical full tkso gear, ballistic helm with gas mask ect.. And switched to some more unique gear. I recently decided to travel back down south, not to shoot the innocent, but to offer some help and get rid of any bandits around the area. I've obviously encountered more survivors who were nervous as I approached, but thankful after I gave out cans of food and bottle water. I'm anxious to start fresh again and enjoy the thrill of looting, but will continue to see how long i can survive with this char. It's been a long journey, I have trotted threw almost every town on the mid to northern end and now, like I said, am down south. On the way to the coast and probably gonna stop by cherno, which may be my last stop, as I no longer care about being stealthy, a sniper may find me in his scopes or a grp of bandits may surround me. Maybe I'll just meet someone like me and journey with him to the next town, but I sense in the near future a bullet to the head.
  6. Sluggin

    Looking for group to roll with

    I am also looking for some people to team up with, Steam name- Sluggin
  7. Sluggin

    Team up?

    I'm also lookin for some peeps to team up with. I'm currently on my third character and geared up with about 4 hours of survival and looting. For the past two hours I have not encountered one person and I'm on a full daylight server, so I'm ready for some interaction.(I have mic) Steam name - Sluggin , feel free to add me!
  8. Sluggin

    Looking for US players, 18+.

    Im also looking for some ppl to play with. User - Sluggin
  9. seriously.... wtf? I was looting in a building near a train track, i guess it was a train station not too sure, and all of a sudden i appeared into an empty room with chairs with a door that cannot be opened. After about 3 hrs of roaming around and looting gear i get trapped in a room...?? what a joke