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About {Op4}Mcface

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  1. {Op4}Mcface

    Anyway to get rolled back?

    What a well thought out and constructive reply.
  2. So.. I've been alive for 51 days in game, since around when the mod first came out to the public. today at about 2:30 i was walking up those stairs in a barn outside of Zelengorsk, when it randomly shot me 500 meters into the air, which resulted in me falling to my death. is there anyway to get a character roll back or something? I'd rather not lose 50 days of survival because of a bug lol..
  3. {Op4}Mcface

    Remove the bandit, create the legend

    there should be a "bounty hunter" skin for killing X amount of bandits for sure.
  4. {Op4}Mcface

    The perfect units?

    those guys look like they have been living in a post apocalyptic world for years. Day Z seems to take place during an apocalypse (builds still mostly intact, normal vehicles, gas still abundant) so it wouldn't really make sense
  5. {Op4}Mcface

    Post Apocalyptical Units

    lol thread jacked. someone just posted this.
  6. {Op4}Mcface

    Dying of Thirst or Hunger

    @Jeff it wont say "drink soda" it will still call soda water, its really just "drink the first thing in your inventory"
  7. {Op4}Mcface

    DayZ screenshot competition

    Brace yourselves. Night is coming. Airfield overrun. Survivor man Les Stroud giving some helpful advice. Look at that sexy beast (ty viper) StalkerZ: Shadows of Chenrarus (ty woodratt)
  8. people up north dont take chances, you are more likely to be killed on sight by another group/player. that said, over all, you are much more likely to be killed on the coast, even if you meet a few people. the guys hugging the shore line don't last long.
  9. {Op4}Mcface

    Offering Graphics (fo free)

    Man, that is sick! Thanks a lot dude.
  10. {Op4}Mcface

    Starter pistol change to beretta

    The g17 is better in a lot of later game situations. The flashlight is a massive help, and the 17 round mag is nice too. If you are being chased by 4 or 5 zombies, you dont have much room for error with the revolver as you only get six shots. with the larger g17 mag you can pretty much fire as much as you want, and 2-3 torso or 1 head shot isn't that bad. even if you put 3 rounds into each zombie, you are still left over with more ammo than the revolver before you have to reload.
  11. {Op4}Mcface

    Offering Graphics (fo free)

    Hey. We'd like to have a signature for our group. (Op4/Opposing Force) ( www.op4gaming.us ) would prefer to keep it simple and clean. maybe a background/sky with a dark red color matching the red on the Day Z site/Forums and have a few black shadow outlines of a few survivors walking along the bottom. walking in a column formation with "Opposing Force" written in black above them? just an idea, anything would work for us though, we aren't picky. alternatively if that one seems like too much of a hassle, here's our Logo for reference: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15348926/%7Bop4%7Dpatch.png
  12. {Op4}Mcface


    yeah, some CLR servers have a pistol whip/punch animation. using that to temporarily knock a zombie down so you can escape would be pretty useful, or if you wanted to sneak up on a player and knock him out from behind to rob him.
  13. {Op4}Mcface

    Ability to holster/lower pistol

    If you want to appear friendly without actually putting the pistol away, tap G twice, once to bring the gear menu up, and once to get out of the menu. your character will do some animation where he puts the pistol towards the sky with both hands, rather than pointing it straight.
  14. {Op4}Mcface

    Would you kill a bandit?

    kill on sight, unless we were surrounded by zombies. sure, he might be a good guy. but im not willing to take that chance. i've been killed twice because i didn't shoot first and ask questions later.
  15. {Op4}Mcface

    Factions / Trading / Player Types

    Pretty good ideas, except for the player controlled area part. the last thing I want to do is have to deal with a groups of "super 1337" "bandits" with NVG's and SAWs guarding 10 different areas across the map. that would just turn it into a PVP game with some arbitrary zombies running around.