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Everything posted by Fflint

  1. Fflint

    Currency - what would it be?

    but with 1000 batteries your able to hit someone if you throw them. With this M4 in standalone your not able to hit something !!!
  2. Fflint

    Should I play DayZ Mod?

    there are more different mods in the mod. There are is so many more stuff to do as in the standalone. Its worth a try couse its just 6 bugs this week on humble.
  3. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Consumables
  4. Fflint

    Finding a Daylight server?

    carefull with that if you hop server to fast you will lose your gear!
  5. Fflint

    Logging Out In Combat

    Welcome to dayz. It's the never ending story!
  6. Fflint

    what about tee and coffee? :P

    The soft part under the skin from Tree's = high nutritional value
  7. Fflint

    Merry Xmas to everyone

    Wish you happy holidays :) lots of presents and a good new year! Frohe Weihnachten, viele geschenke und einen guten rutsch ins neue Jahr! Xmas Story: one of our clan members cant offer to buy Dayz, but the nice thing he will get it for Xmas from our clan and he dont know that :)
  8. Fflint


    Someone told me there is a patch coming tomorrow but i cant find anything. Where can i find the actuel patchnotes? i know this page: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Changelog and i know where to find the old patchnotes thanks for everything
  9. Fflint


    ok das hab ich auch gefunden. Aber das morgen n update kommt scheint erstmal nur ein gerücht zu sein deshalb keine notes :) danke aber trozdem.
  10. Fflint

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    just had it 2 seconds ago, i shot some people on the balota sniper hill and they just run away and logged... fucking noobs. And if someone say i am a bad shot, i am not the grass stoped my bulleds couse the grass is bulletproof
  11. I had it two day's ago i swaped some server's to find a day time server "couse it dosn't say it in the server discription" and lost after 3 times join a different server my gear! I thought it was the equip reset from Dayz side. But today my friend was locking for a day time server and after join another server he lost his gear as well! 16:20 http://www.twitch.tv/insomnia805/b/489290015
  12. Fflint

    mosin + scope and binoculars

    North West airfield tent area there is a good loot area for attachments
  13. Fflint

    The map is NOT balanced right now.

    or less love in the east!
  14. You can kill every hacker in real life and if they have kids kill them just in case as well sad as it is!
  15. 1.) bad to do advert in the Dayz forum 2.) you spoilt what happend anyway dont want to watch it anymore!
  16. Fflint

    3 Word Story ###DAYZ###

    in the dark
  17. Fflint

    Draw Distance

    cant open the pic of your friend
  18. Fflint


    dont go unconcious in real life couse there is no timer! xP
  19. Fflint

    How the alpha could be MUCH BETTER

    its to easy to get stuff in my opinion... it should be more hard to get equip weapons and stuff couse then your really proud of what you got and your going to be more carefull. The Ghosting and server hopping stuff is really annoying thats true i hope they do something about that soon.
  20. Fflint

    Can opener vs sharp tool

    i like it.
  21. Fflint

    Blood bag

    i dont know what the defi is for sorry
  22. Fflint


    Will there be a timer to enter server with a delay for the future?