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Everything posted by Swarzey

  1. Swarzey

    Tents really worth it?

    I try to make the most of tents that I come across but I don't go out of my way trying to find one. The times I do I find myself focusing on cooking and hunting; making the most of the lake near the future military camp west of Tisy. Surprising, they last a few days, not much reason for people to be up there. Love the look of a tent, a fire, cooking etc all set up by the water :3
  2. Swarzey

    Help me

    Basically repeating what I said in another thread; head in land. Run to towns that you wouldn't have otherwise ran to; in my adventures towns without police stations have had plenty. Look in places that before the patch had no loot such as outhouses and cranes if they are any. There's more than enough loot about to at least get you to the point of growing crops or hunting animals, it just requires a bit more effort than before. Alternatively you can wait for servers to restart and clean up towns along the coast and a bit further in like Nadezhdino and Orlovets.
  3. Swarzey

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    Haven't had a single issue yet. Ran in land right off the bat and been able to find enough food, water and sometimes a decent weapon in towns like Msta, Rogovo, Vyshnoye, Shakhovka etc to get to the northern towns beyond the NWAF, gear up and then the fun times begin. It's all about ditching however you played before the patch and prioritizing certain towns.
  4. I'm not completely opposed to see vehicles that can have mounted weapons but they have to be done right. You can't have a humvee that can roll around, being protected from most shots that come your way, spraying down other players and zombies, roaming the map, it's just not fair. There needs to be a balance where players can avoid gunfire, take out enemy players strategically. With a humvee, players can rotate a full 360 degrees, move into the gunner position from any other seat. Yes, reward players who are able to stay alive regardless if they're doing it alone or in a group, but not with humvees. There's a vehicle (not sure if it was in the mod, never saw it but probably way) where a ute had a gun attached to the back. The player was exposed, the vehicle was loud, the driver and passenger weren't protected well from any incoming fire and you had to exit the vehicle to get to the gunner seat. That's the limit in my view when it comes to armed vehicles. If a player running down the street sees an oncoming vehicle, if he's smart enough and gets in a position to take out the gunner first, then the vehicle becomes any other as the driver/passenger won't stop to get into the gunner position. Even the weapon itself needs to be, in it's best condition, rather poor/rusted and a high upkeep needs to be maintained to keep it working. Otherwise, when firing, it can randomly lock up. Reality is, it's a small price to pay for a big reward It completely ruins DayZ if the game allows clans to become a military unit. Grenade launchers shouldn't even be entertained in the minds of the developers IMO.As for tanks, sorry but that's just f***ing dumb. Just the way I see the topic.
  5. Swarzey

    Western side of the map...

    I love, love being able to survive on the land in this game. Even without a camp, just going around killing animals, cooking, sharing with friendly players I meet is enjoyable. It gives me something other than constantly wanting to PvP and be a dick to others. I was excited when Standalone first launched and I roamed the empty north for hours, just imagining what will become of it however, some months later I feel it's far too congested and I fear it could be the standard for any other developments. The one issue, the single thing that bothers me now and bothered me back in the mod (Although out of their control) was the fact that you could run for 3-5 minutes in any direction and find a new town. If the map was to expand, and I completely understand it takes a long time to map out and create these areas, I personally would like to see a large area dedicated to more hunting and more unique landscapes perhaps on the western edge of the map. Taller mountains that perhaps can't be walked over, rocky outcroppings that can be both useful but also deadly, deep valleys with a flowing river, wildlife such as herons by other bodies of water, one or two small towns established for deforestation and/or mining abandoned, some cabins spread about that can be boarded up and locked down by the lucky few who claim them and maybe a large castle to top it off so there's some reason for people to go and explore. I always feel a tad nervous when taking shots at animals as there's such a strong possibility that people in towns near by would hear it. It doesn't eliminate this possibility whatsoever and I again understand it, but considering most people I've ran into during my hours are after loot and gearing up, a place where the likelihood of these people hearing the shots is limited while giving people who want to play this playstyle, a "playground" of sorts to do so would be nice. A while ago this wouldn't have crossed my mind with the current server population limit, however with the servers set to go well into the 100's (correct me if I'm wrong), I feel players are about to move in land a fair bit more and people like myself will be risking so much more. Of course, this doesn't stop a bandit going in and camping the area, their hunt is completely different. Even if this isn't to cater to people like myself (Yeah, I'll admit it :P ), then at least to make the map seem a little more interesting and visually a bit more appealing, Just something I thought of and wondering if others have thought of it and/or like the idea. Cheers.
  6. Swarzey

    Tarps (& shelters)

    Love the idea. With tents being so hard to find for most, being able to create a makeshift shelter that holds not even half the space of a tent would be awesome; gives them some sort of camp while they search for the bigger one. Just simply crafting a pile of sticks and applying them to a tarp and rope would be enough and as the game develops, modifications could be made to improve it. You certainly get my beans for this! :beans: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  7. Swarzey

    So I finally found a tent... any tips?

    Given how glitchy the tent is (at least through my own experiences on persistent servers) don't put items you're not willing to lose in there. Stack it with tools, food, water, medical etc but I wouldn't risk putting in any guns and ammo unless I was carrying second one in my hand. Put it in a place far from the minds of people. You've got to run a good hour to get there? So be it, you're paying a small price to keep your stuff safe and a location that, if everything goes well, could be improved upon as more features are included. Also I would keep it away from the northern areas, it seems that's where all the new towns will be made for a long, long time and so naturally people will be drawn to it. And as Sleeves said, plan ahead. Always consider future possibilities to make life a bit easier. I would personally hold onto it until everything is working well and just deal with having so much of your backpack taken up. Don't really trust the system atm.
  8. Personally I've noticed (whether it's how it is or isn't, whatever) that cooking meat gets my character energized much, much...much quicker than eating fruits/canned food. My current character has been alive for a week and I've only lost being energized once simply by relying on what I kill rather than looting houses.
  9. Swarzey

    Where the F#%@ am I?

    Learned it all by playing the mod but mostly by playing Wasteland. Like others, I miss the first time experience. I miss spending a good hour running through the wilderness somehow bypassing every town and then stumbling upon a street sign and trying to figure out where I was on a map. Nowadays I only have to look at the trees around me to know where I am; it's pretty sad :( I'm really looking forward to when they/the community release new maps for the game so I can get that new feeling.
  10. Swarzey

    What To Do In A Bandit Situation

    That was brilliant! I've seen it happen before when playing with a few randoms, bloke hadn't removed his pants when the bandit turned around.
  11. Swarzey


    Apart from the dicks, it would be pretty awesome to walk into towns and just see "DON'T ENTER" "WALK AWAY" all over the place. With base building in the future and being able to build barricades, it will be incredible to see people take advantage of it and perhaps "take over" some of the inland towns such as Vybor. Imagine a server down the track that doesn't restart (or at least saves signs, writing etc) with a group pulling inspiration from The Walking Dead's current arc with chalk sprawled along the roads, buildings etc towards a "safe haven"
  12. Swarzey

    DayZ sells 1.7 million copies

    You really have no concept of finances, do you?
  13. Swarzey

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    Only time I KoS is if the player is in a group (And usually I target the most-armed, best geared member), if someone rushes me with a melee weapon or fists or has a gun in their hands. I'm simply not going to take any risks because I've been on the other side of the coin and shot regardless. The idea of an identification system is ridiculous because it makes it too obvious, you shouldn't be able to determine a hero from a villain in a matter of seconds, there's little risk involved in a game where risk should be around every corner. The mumbling is a good idea, but again, can't be too obvious, there needs to be risk. It's part of the game, people need to stop getting so frustrated over it because they're not alone, I'm positive we all have been affected by KoS. It isn't an issue, it's just how people want to play. Ultimately, it's down to you, those who have such a problem with it to change the way you play, to be more cautious and to take more care when moving from place to place, looting house after house etc.
  14. Swarzey

    The ducking desync/lag is real.

    The desync and lag has troubled me quite a bit these past few days. Been shot at plenty of times but because of the connection issues, I haven't been able to draw my gun so I log. Hate running away from trouble, but when I can't draw my weapon to fire back, I'm going to do so. That said, I have also killed people facing the same issues. Ie, deciding to be a bit of a bandit and camping the Berezino apartments, hearing someone come up the stairs and getting the jump on them because they're lagging 'n whatnot.
  15. Swarzey

    New town Chernaya Polana

    Hehe. I haven't kept up with the updates however, just north, slightly west of the NEAF there's a new town. At least since I was up in that area. No zombie spawns and some pretty decent loot.
  16. Swarzey

    New town Chernaya Polana

    Massive apologies! Not sure why I assumed you were new.
  17. Swarzey

    New town Chernaya Polana

    Given you're new, that map above will save your life. Extremely helpful.
  18. Swarzey

    Wait for Host..

    Apologies, however, these attitudes are something that gets under my skin.
  19. Swarzey

    Wait for Host..

    Do you think it's possible to actually stop having a whinge or is that too much to ask?
  20. Swarzey

    Character wipes still happening?

    I would, but people like you are too delusional to accept facts about the alpha period of game development, especially online specific games.
  21. Swarzey

    Problem Spotting

    How dare they leave their kitchen in such a state!
  22. Swarzey

    Character wipes still happening?

    Please do expand on it. I'm quite interested to read what you have to say.
  23. Swarzey

    It has happened...

    I love it when people have a whinge for the sake of it. Really, people either have their standards way too fucking high or they were too stupid to read before they bought the product and thus want to reassure themselves that they're right to be mad. Honestly, some just need to be patient or bite the bullet and leave the game until it's up to your own standards.
  24. Swarzey

    Character wipes still happening?

    Oh you expected to keep your character for the duration of alpha? Please do tell how unacceptable it is.
  25. Swarzey

    A new area for the map.

    I approve! Looks absolutely awesome and in game, especially at night/dawn/dusk, would be pretty eerie.