Before I get flamed I want to say that I love the SA and im glad I get to be apart of the alpha and hope to contribute in anyway possible to make DayZ the best game possible. Now with that said, I think there are some things they could use/barrow from the arma 3 Breaking Point. First is the hunger/thirst mechanic, instead of having the somewhat confusing text messages in DayZ , what if your stomach mad noise when you're hungry? Or you seem very out of breath/parched when thirsty? Very simple and easy to understand and they wouldnt have to add a hud or spam text messages. Last but not least, would be the zombie AI, I know a lot has already been done to change the AI but i'm curious as to how hard it would be to make the DayZ zombies behave in a similar manner to the BP ones? To anyone who has played Breaking Point would probably agree that the zombies act like they should, and what I mean by that is they move slower but at a good pace, they arent sprinting after you like a olympic athlete. They are attracted towards human players, and will gather in numbers to take you down, that may not seem like a threat but if you enter a building with only one exit and 6 zombies follow you in you either give away your position by shooting to kill or get killed yourself. Anyway, im sorry if that was hard to follow but hopefully you get the point. I'd like to hear back from anyone who has played both the DayZ SA and arma 3 Breaking Point and hear your thoughts on this.