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About thewobblyorange

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  1. thewobblyorange

    Breathing Noises

    I would like to see the ability to tone down the heavy breathing noises in the options menu. If your character moves at more than a walking pace we are treated to heavy breathing noises almost constantly. I dislike people doing in my ear in real life, and having it piped into my ears for 90% of the time I play DayZ is really quite an unpleasant experience. Other than that good game guys and keep up the good work.
  2. thewobblyorange

    Getting naked

    Go outside, meet people, see them naked....if you're lucky
  3. thewobblyorange

    Identifying other players

    Keep it HUD free. The idea of patches or badges or coloured cloth is excellent. It's simple and realistic and for the sneaky among us it could provide a real bonus to conducting recon on another player base. That way you could masquerade as a member and steal all the things. Certainly an idea if it's a group that outguns you.
  4. thewobblyorange

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Are you the same Zagdul from eve online ^^?
  5. thewobblyorange

    My current stance

    I clicked both however I view PVE as an enabler of PVP. In this game and another I play called EVE online. I PVE efficiently because it means I have to do it less. So I can shoot other peeps. The thrill is in the hunt.
  6. thewobblyorange

    Let's talk about Perma Death (No Bug talk)

    Easy, make a camp. Put stuff there. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket.
  7. thewobblyorange

    Lots of suicide after mass wipe

    Answered your own question there champ.
  8. thewobblyorange

    The Worst Day of Alpha..

    Same kinda people who do it to other games. EVE online was hit on new years eve.
  9. thewobblyorange

    Idea for zombies

    This would be better served by a form of "zombie lifecycle" You would have the "infected"-Much like the current zombies fast aggressive with moderate strength and low chance of infection. (Still alive) The "Consumed"- Slower than current zombies with signs of life failing, tougher to kill and much stronger with strength coming from what remains of life as well as infection. (Dying) The "Deceased"- Technically dead and possibly rotting, not all that strong but hard to kill. Moves at an ambling pace at best, extreme chance of infection. You don't want to hit one of these with an axe as blood spray carries high chance of infection, and bullets will take a while. headshots only. Best bet is some sort of fire based weapon. Even when taken down they pose an infection risk unless cremated.
  10. thewobblyorange

    I randomly died.. feature, exploit or bug?

    If I am armed with a Mosin with a pristine PU scope and a bipod I could fairly easily pop you from over 400M away if you were still. My guess is sniper at a fairly long range.