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Posts posted by Bangthefishdied

  1. Not an easter egg, its a statue - An easter egg would be something a lot more difficult to find. I have seen that statue already countless times in video and in game myself. Whats with the "modified files"? And that center cursor?



  2. I have played merely 8 hours of SA but im getting back into it. So im gonna base off of what ive seen. I have seen multiple youtubers claim not to see any hackers. But, we all know frankie is a hacker so can't really trust him  ;)

    I was shot right through a house.. he was threatening me that he could shoot me anywhere he wants even though i was surrounded by four walls and he was outside.. couldnt do anything

    why do those fckers even cheat..


    /edit logged in again and my character was reset.. I guess that was the admin.. why the hell can they do that..


    I believe it was the patch? I had no clue admins could do that.

  3. Hi! im a squeaker, just putting it out there before people get bored at the end of the thread.


    Anyways, getting DayZ SA tomorrow like many people. Im gonna stalk dayzgame.com to see how fast it rises  :thumbsup:

    So, im expecting one other friend to get dayz and me and him will play. but 3 players imo is best for DayZ. im 11 btw, So if anyone wants to team with us, my skype is Bangthefishdied
