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About Bangthefishdied

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Bangthefishdied

    Alright, I am finally concerned about the standalone

    This is why they SHOULDNT have released the game in alpha. i am glad they did, but im also sad they did. so many people hate the game now, but i still love the game.
  2. Bangthefishdied

    StandAlone Easet Egg?

  3. Bangthefishdied

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I have played merely 8 hours of SA but im getting back into it. So im gonna base off of what ive seen. I have seen multiple youtubers claim not to see any hackers. But, we all know frankie is a hacker so can't really trust him ;) I believe it was the patch? I had no clue admins could do that.
  4. Bangthefishdied

    Need help? Or want to help? Mentorship!

    cool idea
  5. Bangthefishdied

    Need some friends to play with

    Hi! im a squeaker, just putting it out there before people get bored at the end of the thread. Anyways, getting DayZ SA tomorrow like many people. Im gonna stalk dayzgame.com to see how fast it rises :thumbsup: So, im expecting one other friend to get dayz and me and him will play. but 3 players imo is best for DayZ. im 11 btw, So if anyone wants to team with us, my skype is Bangthefishdied
  6. Bangthefishdied

    So is this the beginning of the end for the Dayz mod?

    End. Definitely the end. :blush:
  7. Bangthefishdied

    Character save wipes

    Must be a glitch.
  8. Bangthefishdied

    Hows performance on an i7 and GTX 770?

    i have 660ti and i can run 120% :)
  9. Should be fixed in standalone ;)
  10. One thing to note:Players are still major dicks :beans:
  11. Oh shit, im 11. DAMNIT
  12. Bangthefishdied

    Can I run Dayz standalone?
