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Everything posted by eleventhavenue

  1. eleventhavenue

    Gas masks, payday masks, crash helmets

    Ballistic helmets protect you, Assault vests give slots, etc... those are not good bandit indicators. I always take an Ushanka over a Helmet, but I would take a Helmet over nothing. However, I would never use masks. They look ugly, give nothing, and people will be shooting you because, you know, you cover up your face. If you don't want to be shot, you'll have to ditch the mask or try to convince me that you are friendly before I raise my weapon...
  2. eleventhavenue

    To those whining about post-processing and gamma:

    To those whining about whining: Gee, do you think you will stop whining with this thread? Nope.
  3. eleventhavenue

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    Well, I kind of doubt that South Zagoria would be a top priority area if there was a world-wide zed infestation... I mean, it's not even in central Chernarus...
  4. eleventhavenue

    To all of those who yell ALPHA at any sort of suggestion

    To all those of you who yell ´´Ermagerd everyone yells at me that the game is in alpha´´ Maybe it's because the game is in alpha. They might want to note that this has been suggested before and certainly is going to be added, thank you for the intention to start a discussion, but direct you to all the other threads about EXACTLY THE SAME THING. Like this thread for example. I think this is the fourth thread whose sole subject is to yell at those who yell that the game is in alpha. Take it easy. It's all going to work out. We can have nice and constructive discussions, but I do not think this is one of them.
  5. eleventhavenue

    Is there going to be a feature to tagg people as friendly?

    I find the OP really interesting. First he complains about the forum community being so uptight and snotty, and then he thinks we provide an interesting discussion. Would you like us to be MORE uptight and snotty? I mean, nothing wrong with that, but I don't find it interesting at all to be uptight and snotty... Also, as had been said in this thread as well as others, I think atag system goes against one of the basic pillars of DayZ. You can already change your clothing and tell your friends where you are. Why would you need tags?
  6. eleventhavenue

    Where do YOU go to find pvp?

    Petrovka is the best place for KOS PvP. All the cool people hang out there. Are you noot coooool?
  7. eleventhavenue

    Ruger 10/22 sugestion .. custom parts in the game

    Well the point that I am trying to make is that things like cowboy hats and B95's in the game isn't an argument for the addition of more ridilous guns, like the Ruger Archangel (I mean gee look at it).
  8. eleventhavenue

    Ruger 10/22 sugestion .. custom parts in the game

    Any gun CAN be included, I guess. But should it? You could have a GAU-9 too, I guess you could even borrow ballistics data from Arma 2. There's already a pricey american gun in the game, so why not this one too? We all know guns have nothing to do with the setting anyway...
  9. eleventhavenue

    My very inglorious death

    May I tell you of my latest death? The ship. It took me. Aye, we all had heard the stories. All three of us. Still, we decided to set up camp for the night inside a container of the stranded cargo vessel. We knew, of the rooms whose doors appeared locked, but would suck in any helpless survivor trying to get in, leaving him or her to starve slowly to the salty smell of the sea, and more. We found many great things. A raincoat for cold Andrei. A canteen for thirsty Aleksandr. A can of beans for hungry Kliment. But one thing we did not see was the impending doom. Not KOS sniper. Not suicidal freshspawn with axe. Not Zombie horde. I was exploring one of the ship's walkways when it hit me. I jumped into the air, all my muscles spasming, and then i became as paralyzed as a fly in the spider's net. I began sliding. Downwards. I did not yell; ´´Help!´´ to my friends. I only said; ´´I am going to die´´. I knew. I slipped off the edge, fell over 20 meters. There was no pain, not the crackle of bones split in two, only darkness. The next thing I knew, I was back on the coast.
  10. eleventhavenue

    Railroad track.

    You should have tried searching for ´´train´´ :) I would like some kind of draisine, maybe two bike-type and one diesel powered per map.
  11. eleventhavenue

    Ruger 10/22 sugestion .. custom parts in the game

    And I fail to see why that is an argument for even more ridicilous guns. (as in more guns, not guns which are more ridicilous, although I think ridicilousness is a subjective thing)
  12. eleventhavenue

    Sound of Flies round dead bodies.

    Yes, have flies after a few minutes, not instantly. Maybe have the sound getting more intense as more insects gather? If we ever have corpses which stay for a longer time, I think it would be interesting to have bodies start rotting after an hour or so. Sure, it's unrealistic, but why does it matter, you wouldn't know how old the corpse is at that point...
  13. eleventhavenue

    Ruger 10/22 sugestion .. custom parts in the game

    We already have cowboy hats and B95's in this game. I fail to see why that fact is any kind of argument for addition of even more ridicilous guns. Please, answer this question: How many Ruger Archangels per capita would exist in the rural region of a post-soviet country?
  14. eleventhavenue

    Ideas to make Chernarus feel more Eastern European

    Tearing down a sign is easy. Tearing down an apartment building, which doesn't intentionally send a political message? Most Soviet-time apartments are still left in Russia and Ukraine, why not here? And I can't imagine that much would be left of any propaganda signs after 30 years... Oh, and by the way, did I denounce водка in my above post? I did not mean it. водка! If водка has no use ingame, we need to get a use for водка!
  15. Yes you do... eat up, don't be half-starving, maybe have some kind of ´´emergency kit´´ in a protector case... You do have a chance to survive ´´it´´.
  16. eleventhavenue

    Ideas to make Chernarus feel more Eastern European

    AK's are coming. What purpose would vodka serve in the game? I don't think it would hydrate you... The soldiers wear CDF camoflague (if you mean the zeds), I don't get why you would find Russian army camoflague in Chernarus, really... Weather is not fully implemented yet, but yes, foggy and rainy. Why would you find Soviet Propaganda in Chernarus? It hasn't had a communist rule for more than 30 years...
  17. Don't stock up on food. Eat it. RIght now I think hit detection and the whole item damage system is a bit strange. When this works properly, stuff will only break if you are hit in the place where it is stored. And now that I think of it, I like the idea that being shot also is a risk for your equipment. The KOS bandit will not just have to worry about his shot ruining everything on his victim, but also his victim hitting him in the backpack and ruining all his epik lotz.
  18. eleventhavenue

    What is, or will be, the point of this game?

    Survive. And, perhaps even more importantly, interact with people. Everyone, even those who don't actively roleplay, have their own history. Some are cold-blooded murderers, some are bandits, and some just try to survive (and then there's the cultists and the pseudo-communists too, watch out for those...)
  19. eleventhavenue

    Correcting SA ballistics

    One simply can not disagree with the OP, lest they want to be forever in CoD hell where thousands of CoD kiddies forever will scream BALAAANCE into your ears.
  20. eleventhavenue

    Can we please have guns hitting where we aim at?

    No gun is less accurate because the user is poor. The user can be less accurate, of course. But that's another thing... I do think gun performance currently just is placeholder, though.
  21. eleventhavenue

    Yo, fun, not

    This is an alpha issue. The problem is that the OP can't get any food because loot doesn't respawn. Loot does not respawn because this game is unfinished and there is no loot respawn system. This will be fixed. The problem is known. The problem has been discussed in other threads. This thread is useless.
  22. Using a multitude of poorly used bad words and... strange grammar (double periods) always makes me a bit irritated. You get 2/10, ok beginner troll. But really, if you just ease up a bit and try to be less obvious, you're going to have a much greater effect. Seriously, try it.
  23. eleventhavenue

    Cant Wait Till Chainsaws......

    I can't wait till I stab you with a 18 inch bayonet because you thought it was a good idea to have a huge, loud, and unwieldy Chainsaw for a weapon. :lol: (Nah I'm friendly)
  24. eleventhavenue

    How do you beat this? :(

    Going to be fixed on wednesday. Yes, it's really common right now, but soon, someone other than you and me will be despairing...
  25. eleventhavenue

    Killing filthy surrender monkeys..

    Some people don't care about anything, and especially not other players. I think the best thing to do in that situation is to run away. The shooter is certainly not going to have a chat with you if he/she is KOS'ing you, so you might as well get out of reach.