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Everything posted by eleventhavenue

  1. So basically, we are going to have: - Vehicles fixed to the server they are on - Fixed amount of vehicles on every server - Vehicles being despawned when destroyed or maybe 48 hours since last used, and respawning at a random point, but always as the same vehicle - Vehicles, especially lower end ones are really common, but hard to maintain and get into working order. Atleast this is the picture I am getting.
  2. eleventhavenue

    I am a sniper now!

    No beans for you. I'm happy that you play on 3PP, though. Don't worry about those that say playing on 3PP is lame. It's actually really cool. Keep doing it, you're doing a great job.
  3. eleventhavenue

    1st kill, Did I make the right call?

    Military areas are generally seen as a KOS zone. I maybe would have backed away and tried to talk, but I don't think you should feel guilty for killing the player, especially considering the pressured situation you were in.
  4. I remember, back in the mod, when I still tried to loot cities by sneaking past zeds. This is how looting cities should be, in my opinion. I still remember crawling to one of the brick houses in Novy Sobor, and one of those Zeds that would walk around slowly was chasing me, getting closer, but if I would be to run, all the zeds would see me...
  5. eleventhavenue

    Pain and broken leg indicators

    I must agree with kichilron. We don't really need indicators for this.
  6. eleventhavenue


    I'm not a prasite expert, but I think wild animals are a pretty common source of parasites. If you ever find yourself eating uncooked food, then I think you should run the risk of contracting a parasite. It would be pretty interesting, if it only made you sick some times, and some times it would just stay, draining your energy. Also, isn't there water parasites too? Maybe you could get parasites from drinking uncooked water.
  7. eleventhavenue

    Running upstairs , jumping down stakrs

    I don't think we should have this before we have a system for inventory weight and inventory weight affecting your movement speed. You shouldn't be able to run up a steep staircase if you have a 25 kg backpack, a ballstic vest, a Carbine in your hands, anohter rifle on your back, and a fireman's axe.
  8. eleventhavenue

    Cure for banditry...

    What joke? We need coffee, aand I mean this seriously. Maybe not a barista simulator, but we need coffee. Warm food and drinks should warm you once the temperature system is implemented, maybe also some kind of morale effect? I imagine that if you live on coffee and hot stews with newly catched deer meat, you'd be much better fit to deal with physical pain and such, compared to someone who've spent the last week eating cold pasta and drinking water from a pond. Also, we can go all Metro 2033. Look! He has coffee beans! And carrots! That is one rich stalker...
  9. eleventhavenue

    Now what?

    Meet people, travel Chernarus! Feel immersed in the world. Learn the map. You've been to Green Mountain? Then you are cursed. Stay away! I also suggest you stay off No PvP servers and 3PP servers. I think they attract the wrong type of people.
  10. eleventhavenue

    What's your favorite town or part of the map?

    I have many fond memories form events around Green Mountain, but the kudos (or beans) will probably have to go to Svetloyarsk. It really is a masterpiece, it feels like a town with a soul and history. I can't wait to see the older towns upgraded and realized in the same way. I also like the semi-mountaneous areas to the west of Svetloyarsk, altough it's pretty much a wasteland right now, with nearly no loot spawns for 10 kilometers except the train station and a few kiosks.
  11. eleventhavenue

    I Finally See

    I only play on hardcore servers and I never go to Elektrozavodsk. For the entire duration af the game I have been KOS'-Shot in the back two times, and I have been humiliated by idiots exactly zero times. I suggest the OP-maker does the same if the OP-maker wishes to have a good DayZ experience.
  12. eleventhavenue

    Inventory effect (carry weight) on stamina?

    I think it had more to do with it cuasing people to fall into eternal comas than people complaining about not being able to sprint at a speed of 28 km/h for ever...
  13. This thread is so useless. I mean, I could post here, but instead I will make a new thread for every time I die or kill another player, because it's so INTERESTING!
  14. eleventhavenue

    Realism in the game

    I'm not trying to be all ´´Look you use this word wrong´´, that is not my point here either, but here is what the free online dictionary says about realism: 1. Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are: She gave us a realistic appraisal of our chances.2. Of or relating to the representation of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are: a realistic novel about ghetto life. Going from this definition, I think the problem is that people don't differentiate between these two definitions. Just because there is something not like reality in DayZ (like it being a PC game... real life isn't) doesn't necessarily make it unrealistic... just because you make a realistic game doesn't mean that you need to sacrifice everythign else for realism. You can have a realistic aircraft simulator that uses time compression, for example.
  15. eleventhavenue

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    So much true So much right! Listen, Rocket, here is a voice from the community that is worth listening to.
  16. eleventhavenue

    Stealthy or Aggressive?

    Is he/she alone? Am I sure this person is hostile? Equipment? Am I in a position where I can control the situation? Depending on the situation, I think I would either sneak away, shoot, or force the player to drop their weapons.
  17. eleventhavenue

    The KOS world of Dayz

    You mean gaining KOS with immunity, if the humanity system works anything like in the mod...
  18. Why are bumping this thread? Why is it still alive??
  19. eleventhavenue

    About masks

    But, why? Whyyyyy
  20. eleventhavenue

    Bright Green Hydration, but thirsty

    Rice, cereals, and dry-milk all make you thirsty. Canned food also slightly replenishes your thirst, I think (at least beans) I'm pretty sure soda and beer replenishes your thirst though... at least it does for me.
  21. eleventhavenue

    Overdose from Saline Bags

    You can't die from replacing blood with saline fluid? I'm not a medical expert but come on...
  22. eleventhavenue

    ethics of first kill

    Never say that. You are free to KOS as much as you want, no one is going to stop you. But never say that everyone else wants to kill you too. It's untrue and I also find it quite insulting.
  23. eleventhavenue

    When being knocked unconscious...?

    I think healthy is just what you get when you are healing but full on health and blood. Just earlier I was healthy, got hit by zombie, changed to healing, short while later I was ok again and had healthy, without eating anything.
  24. eleventhavenue

    Okay I'm tired of seeing this being posted

    I think charcoal tablets help against toxic stuff, like poisoning from rotten food, poisoned berries, etc. Not chemical poisoning.