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Everything posted by eleventhavenue

  1. eleventhavenue

    Noob Question But Serious..

    What is your name even used for in game?
  2. eleventhavenue

    I would like a cup of coffee!

    Me and my friends set up a nice picnique at that place where the coast starts running north (crutoy kap or whatever), it was really nice. We tried to cook rice, but apparently it does not work currently. It was still nice though... (Yes, I support this suggestion)
  3. eleventhavenue


    Strange, this doesn't happen to me. I'm pretty sure you will be told by the game if you are infected, but I've never geotten an infected wound.
  4. Except that, no, it's actually not unacceptable. It is also most probably going to stay. You may think that it is unacceptable, but that does not make it so. I've experienced around 4 hours of being greyouted (when blood regeneraton didn't work) and I didn't have any problems with that, I got used to it pretty quickly, altough It was nice to get the colors back.
  5. eleventhavenue

    Mosin Nagant?

    I haven't found any weapon outside of Military areas. I've checked many barns, no Mosin there (I do think guns such as the Mosin should spawn as Farm loot, they are commonly used as hunting rifles after all). However, I've found several Mosins in military areas, and a lot of ammo too. I suggest you look there.
  6. eleventhavenue

    Invisible hacker

    As for the Zombie noises, that's probably ´´Zombie Bunnies´´, ambient wildlife makes strange cut-off zombie sounds and in some cases I think they can even attack you. I think it's something with how the game currently handles wildlife AI.
  7. eleventhavenue

    KOS still here, don't see how it will go away

    Well I do feel like KOS has decreased somewhat, at least. (Atleast when staying off the coast and the military areas) Just recently I waited for a few friends in the Stary Sobor church. I literally sat down, and only had an axe, so I was defenceless. In comes two players in Military clothes, gas masks and M4's. I though that this was the end, but after making sure that I was not able to harm them, the immediatly became friendly. I read from the bible to them (don't ask) and later my friend came running in with a raised Mosin... but they, amazingly, didn't shoot, but kept their heads cool. They left shortly afterwards, and I didn't see them again.
  8. Aye, I'm walking around with 45 Mosin rounds now, ammo really needs to be made scarce, especially for high-powered weaponry. This is a Survival game, not Battlefield!
  9. eleventhavenue

    [suggestion] please add sleeping pills

    Isn't the charcoal pills supposed to be a counter to poison? It would be pretty nice if you could poison food items, maybe you could find rat poison or something as loot, and then you would be able to poison wet foods like food cans (as said, they would have to be opened ofcourse) and eating the food would then cause poisoning. There would be no notification (except ´´This food tastes funny´´) If you eat it, so this might backfire is the poisoner keep sthe item in his/her inventory...
  10. I do not believe you. You sure seem to be very sure about what you are saying. But I'm sure it's very evident to you that other people have another opinion on what happens when two armed people meet eachother in a zombie apocalypse. After all, if it was completely obvious that everyone would simply shoot each other, I do not think this discussion would exist. Additionally, I don't understand what this has to do with what I think is the main question we all should try to answer; What is it that actually causes rampant KOS'ing? I think that there for ever will be KOS in DayZ, but I think we need to do something to at the very least get something out of not shooting each other. I think item degradation is a good thing for that, I do believe it reduces the KOS'ing for items, but it doesn't solve the big problem IMO; The Shooting for ´´fun´´, ´´lulz´´, ´´score´´, or ´´UMG U IZ KERBER GO PLE HALO KITEH´´, and I am pretty sure that no real person would kill for that reason, not even lunatics, and so, I think things should be done to discourage (altough softly, not in a hard-limiting way) that kind of behavior.
  11. Actually, no, that is not the case. I suggest you read up on the lore a bit (not that there's much)
  12. eleventhavenue

    How long have you survived?

    After a couple of starvation deaths I have now been alive for about six hours, and I am now kitted out in Mountain backpack and a scoped Mosin, as well as rain coats and hunter pants, and such ( I had a chance at getting proper military clothes but I like this look better ). I did have a few close moments, but they were solved without casualties. It seems people in general are less prone to KOS and either leave you alone or rob you properly without killing you. Great improvement IMO.
  13. Not really; The DayZ Zeds aren't really ´´Zombies´´. Actually, if i may get all meta-speculative; Maybe they're called Zeds, as a reference to zombies because their behavior is similar to zombies in popular culture. But no, the DayZ zeds are not really zombies and any ´´Zeds should do this because in other stuffs the Zombies do that´´ argument does not really apply IMO.