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Everything posted by eleventhavenue

  1. eleventhavenue

    Ella's standalone guide

    Maybe because this is the third guide I see that claims to be the best, and since there can only be one best guide, that statement is cleraly incorrect. The author understood this and yet called the guide the best. Therefore the author is inentionally lying in his guide. That is bad. Except for that it's a pretty good guide though :D I think a bit of data is incorrect or outdated, though.
  2. eleventhavenue

    One Kill On Sight Thread To Rule Them All!

    The first statement is not true. The second statement is also not true.
  3. Well, it IS an excellent shit-magnet. Once again; keep on working, 3PP players. You are awesome!
  4. eleventhavenue

    Neutral Trading Zones - NPC enforcers if possible

    Or, maybe, we can not have this. I am rather certain that this is what will happen.
  5. eleventhavenue

    Fanfic/discussion; What Happened To Chernarus?

    Well I don't see very much american stuff... no Canadian flags, no Brazilian flags, no Peruvian flags, no Venezuelan flag... :P Also, with a death rate of 99.99%, and a server size of 40, that would mean this region of South Zagoria has a population of 400 000, but maybe I'm taking you too literally now. And I don't think a nation which was recently struck with civil war and uses an all-volunteer militia as its defence force would be able to defend a border province of the nation, and I do not think that there really is any lack of guns either...
  6. eleventhavenue

    Give Me Beans Product Placement

    ´´HP´´ does not rhyme with ´´deanz´´ at all...
  7. eleventhavenue

    Reaction On Dying

    Don't worry. Control your breath. ... Losing is fun. Losing is fuuuuuuuuuuuu
  8. eleventhavenue

    Www.melyco.com Server Needs Banned

    Yes. Grind them into the ground (Rocket PLZ). This behavior simply can not stay.
  9. eleventhavenue

    Do you suffer from "Pristine Fever"?

    I like the raincoats too. It just feels like something I personally would find myself wearing in the apocalypse.
  10. eleventhavenue

    [Suggestion] Zombie Types / Pesdo-special infected

    Zeds with missing limbs? So why are they not dead then?? It would be nice if you could loot stuff you clearly see on the zeds, like clothes. Of course only after the sicknes system is properly added...
  11. Well, as KoS put it, 3PP:On is a shit magnet, so don't remove it. To all those who play on 3PP; Keep it up, you're doing great! I'm even meeting friendly players nowadays. I guess all the pro snipers are too afraid to get on a server without magical periscopes...
  12. Well... I don't get why the UN would intervene in South Zagoria of all places, it's not like there's an important population centre here or something... (Also the green beret is CDF itseld, and the black one is from the movement of the red star ´´Chedaki´´, that is, the ethnic russian communist insurgency movement.
  13. They can call KOS players whatever they want, just as KOS players can KOS all they want, and think that everyone who does not KOS is a ´´care bear´´ or ´´hello kitty online player´´. But are they right? No, there are KOS players who are not kids, therefore it is wrong to call KOS players kids.
  14. eleventhavenue

    Backpacks replacing tents

    Uh, this backpack has been in the game all along...
  15. I don't understand why, out of every place on the planet, the americans would send forces to South Zagoria in Chernarus... Unless maybe you would assume that the infection originated from here, but there's no sign of that, and if so, why are we survivors not fleeing to somewhere else?
  16. eleventhavenue

    KoS and apocalypse go hand in hand.... usually

    Gee, you should just stop discussing, as we all know, KOS is perfectly justified. Anyone knows that real life people in similar situations as DayZ often have reactions like; ´´Lel I took his musin compensator, 1337 headshot, no damage his gear´´ ´´I krill 32 peoples from Balota tower, 3PP rly relistic no chets´´ ´´That unarmed guy i saw in my LR scope moving away from me at a range of 300 meters was totally a threat, i had to eliminate it´´ ´´I don't usually murder people in cold blood but I really needed a 9-Volt battery´´ ´´I was just roleplaying a crazy axe murderer´´ Just look it up, in every historical natural disaster etc, the large majority of people did things like this. I think there was a few people who helped each other and tried to survive, but I'm not sure about that. Also, if people ended up in a place they didn't like, they would jump off a building.
  17. eleventhavenue

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Well, at some point, you actually have to ask yourself; where does these zeds come from? Chernarus isn't really a densely populated country... one wonders where all these hordes are going to come from... I think that I'm more in favor of a few, perceptive, fast, and lethal zeds than hordes.
  18. eleventhavenue

    Night servers at night is crazy!

    Really, are EVERY server you can access nighttime? I just don't have this problem (altough I have no problem with nighttime even without gamma cheating)
  19. I don't agree. It does sound horribly boring. Especially the server hopping... getting into a full server is irritating, I don't understand why people would want to mess with the servers when they got into a good one...
  20. eleventhavenue

    What would you do? My small encounter.

    He pulled out a gun. I would have shot too... you didn't know that he had no ammo at that moment. Not to mention that many, even friendly players see military areas as a KOS all zone.
  21. eleventhavenue

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    You know, maybe someone is blowing up the gas station again...
  22. Well, I will repeat; Draisins. I really think this should be the only method of rail transportation. If we can get locomotives running, why not Helicopters and BMP's?
  23. I don't think trains are a good idea, but I would like some kind of draisin... maybe hand-pump or bike type draisins that can be lifted off the rails, and also a slightly more rare diesel-powered draisin that would have to be repaired like a car.
  24. eleventhavenue

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Or, you know, someone is transmitting on the radio...
  25. eleventhavenue

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    True. Just look at the ´´add random rare clothes thread´´ right now...