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Everything posted by eleventhavenue

  1. This is exactly why we need this removed. Guns should be inaccurate because they are hard to aim, not because the bullet magically veers off course...
  2. eleventhavenue

    The pleasure of a dead bandit

    Your friend obviosuly deserved to die, because he probably was going to drink a lot! I now decide that drinking a lot is cheating. It's liek, a glitch and ur exploting. Tehdrp. Also, let's argue about everything in a huge circle discussion that will lead to nothing. I am sure this will make us look intelligent!
  3. eleventhavenue

    If Combat Logging is going to be fixed...

    One thing that truly amazes me about forumers is their ability to so efficently conjure topics to have little verbal quarrels about. Completely from nowhere. Surely that must break some physical law? Honor is a very situational thing, but killing someone who poses no threat surely sounds boring. What would you get out of that? Beans? If it's a combat logger then it is a completely different thing, of course.
  4. eleventhavenue

    Stop and Listen or DIE!

    Amazing. Beans dispensed.
  5. eleventhavenue

    DayZ + Logic

    Well, I'm testing the berry bushes, I've heard that some berries are poisonous, so I'm not going to eat them, I just want to see how they work... ´´You found some berries and ate them´´ Wait, I just wanted to see- ´´I have a funny taste in my mouth´´ Oh.
  6. eleventhavenue

    Why do we KoS?

    I don't udnerstand all this KoS talk. I haven't met a SINGLE person who has KOS'ed me. I think I have gotten killed twice by being shot in the back, once in a fair firefight, and once because I really needed to commit suicide, but never have I met and talked to a person who then has raised a gun on me and killed me. Never.
  7. eleventhavenue

    Getting a zombie's attention

    So, yet another reason to use 3rd party programs for communications?
  8. I remember some arma 2 mod that had a changed health system, where people could get into this state (often as a result of being on fire). I remember that the first time I tested it I was surprised and quite shocked actually, it's amazing how sound can change the feeling of a game, and I was so used to the vanilla ´´Wounded!´´ ´´3, Heal that. Grenadier.´´
  9. I would say perception. You need to see stuff. Zeds, loot, but most of all players. If you spot people before they spot you, you will always control the situation. One player with a mosin can deal with four fully kitted players if the mosin player knows where they are and the kitted players don't.
  10. eleventhavenue

    Why we need to remove the cheaty zoom from Hardcore

    I don't see what's wrong with zoom as long as it will be fixed so as to not change with FOV settings. Unlike third person view, zoom doesn't give you any superhuman abilities like peeking around corners.
  11. eleventhavenue


    There is too much talk about writing-things in this thread, and way too little talk about the Vintovka Mosina... I am disappointed, comrades...
  12. eleventhavenue

    Fix The North West Airfield (Nwaf) [Civilianize]

    Wouldn't any large (or semi-large) international airport be located around Novigrad? I don't see why there would be an international airport this far into the north. Also, just a note, Chernarus is 100 kilometers across...
  13. eleventhavenue

    Pve Servers : Not So Pve...

    Ignore PvE servers, the closest you can get to ´´friendly servers´´ is hardcore, where all the periscope snipers and corner ninjas don't dare to play. You'll get a lot more actual bandits instead, and some KoS too ofcourse.
  14. eleventhavenue

    Sad Story Based On Actual Dayz Events

    The sniping noob had found his perfect spot... too bad that the Alpher killed him...
  15. As for that last thing, yes indeed, you do always get static as the signal gets weaker, and just as you are out of range (in an area of around 50 meters I think) you can still transmit to eachother, but will only pick up static.
  16. eleventhavenue

    Any piece of clothing you associate with bandits?

    Oh dear... you shoot mosins with attachments? People in Green clothing? Because clearly anyone who is not an evil KOS'er would always prefer a bright yellow rain jacket and a blue mountain backpack? UK vests?? Hunting backpacks?? I find this very funny since you seem to be describing exactly the setup I had when I was horribly KOS'ed just recently. I, who have not fired first a single time. Ever. If this is how you try to spot bandits, I really wonder how many innocents have fallen to your glorious and rightful purge of Chernarus...
  17. eleventhavenue

    This Game Needs Kos Players

    Meh, there's always going to be KOS. This game needs tension, not KOS players. KOS players do create a lot of tension, but at the same time there's nothing tense in being sniped from 500 meters by someone you didn't see...
  18. Yes, spread the spawn points out more evenly. Maybe one just north of berezino. I'm not sure if you can spawn near Balota any more. Maybe one really far north, north of Guba bay? Having to run far is no problem at all, though. Atlest not unless you begin every new life with going to the NWAF or Balota.
  19. eleventhavenue

    My Kos Philosophy (I'm Not Complaining)

    Well if you don't want to avoid players, you shouldn't snipe them. That sounds like avoiding them to me... if you want to meet them, get close and talk to them. Remember that everyone except idiots will be friendly if you point a gun at them... Also, I find that some people actually are so positively surprised when you don't kill them that they share their stuff. Just recently, my group tried to trade a freshspawn's battery for an opened can of beans, and the freshspawn was so surprised that he even refused to take payment for the battery...
  20. eleventhavenue

    Stories Of Chernarus

    Give the community tools and let them do it ingame, like in the thread linked above, instead...
  21. eleventhavenue

    Remove Slow Vault Or "step Over".

    Problems with this suggestion: Accidentally pressing V near a ledge is now even more dangerous Pressing V near an edge will send you down the edge Jumping causes (or should cause) more noise than vaulting, alerting zeds. Jumping should cause more exhaustion than vaulting.
  22. The AI is not advanced at all, but is it good? With some tweaking and balancing to spotting, speed, and such, then yes, I think that the zeds are pretty good. (Also make them not clip through walls please)
  23. eleventhavenue

    My Kos Philosophy (I'm Not Complaining)

    Well, you can always try to get closer, maybe rob them if you see something you want. It's harder of course, and no one is forcing you, but still... If it's about survival, you can always just try to avoid the player. Not every player spotted needs to end in either a friendly or a death.
  24. eleventhavenue

    Surviving The Game

    Ah, I long for the time when we will have to fear waking up the zeds again... then the noise/sight system will actually do something again. I think we all have one of these, but I'll share my ´´DayZ movement system´´ anecdote: I was on the ship south of Svetloyarsk with a few friends. I was warned that the ship was glitchy and so we all walked, and for some reason i took out my gun while moving. My character did the ´´take out gun while moving´´ animation, which always is done at jogging pace, and so I nearly sent myself off the edge of the walkway where the ship is ripped in two. Luckily the animation stopped just before I reached the end.
  25. eleventhavenue

    Was I Wrong?

    Your first statement is incorrect. I don't understand how you could know the victim would be coming after the OP. Was it you?