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Everything posted by eleventhavenue

  1. eleventhavenue

    Your fetish item

    Green Ushanka Mosin rifle with PU Scope and Bayonet Hiking boots. Always!
  2. eleventhavenue

    Restoring Faith Project

    I remember once, when me and a friend met two friendlies in Berezino. After a short exchange of words, we departed westwards. The last thing they said was: ''Wow! There actually are friendlies in Berezino?'' I feel really sad when I think about that. A lot of people want to do something else than shoot strangers, but fear being backstabbed. My advice is to be friendly but cautious to strangers. It helps you live longer, too, especially when you're crappy at aiming like me :) Really though, I would rather be shot ten times by backstabbers than shoot someone that had good intentions out of fear that they didn't..
  3. eleventhavenue

    Free M4 Attachments, mags and a Mosin with a Bipod

    Separate? But hardcore is the main account! :P
  4. eleventhavenue


    Gee I think it's just a spelling error You know...
  5. eleventhavenue

    Little gift for Shrub Rocketeer ™

    It is good to see a survivor helping a comrade in this harsh and cruel world. You get beans for both your story and your fashionable orange raincoat.
  6. eleventhavenue

    Opening canned goods without any tools. Here's how

    This, again? I don't think this is a good idea. It kind of removes the purpose of any can-opening implement in the game...
  7. Well to be fair, the ARMA M4 sounds pretty bad too. They updated a lot of weapon sounds in one of the older updates. I am sure the M4 is getting better sounds in the future too. I guess the ´´legite´´ reason is the simple fact that this game is unfinished. The sound is a placeholder. (I don't think they had their sound team running when they made the M4) -- You multipost and THEN Edit your OP? (EleventhAvenue the Pseudo-Forum Police-Vigilante has entered a confused state)
  8. eleventhavenue

    Death Messages...

    Yes! We need ´´You have died of dysentery´´ now! And really, it's not more unrealistic than a ´´you are dead´´ in the first place.
  9. eleventhavenue

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    In my experience, idiots like depicted in the movie are less common on Hardcore servers (not necessarily KOS, but that's another matter). I understand that there might be other reasons to play on Regular, however. Edit: Kind of unrelated, but I find that to be a strange but interesting example of how gender actually can lead to emergent gameplay.
  10. eleventhavenue

    Dayz silent Knife Kills ?

    I think that the first step to improve melee would be to make a direction system similar to M&B (Left swing, right swing, overhead swing, thrust) and then give different propterties to the attacks depending on how you attack and with which weapon. Instead of those silly ´´Press E to engage ZECRETSORSNIPORBAKSTEB mode´´ I think it would be more preferable to have a solid melee system which makes stealth kills possible in an emergent way, from how the system is designed, instead of having stealth kills be an actual feature, with requirements on what is and what is not a stealth kill and so on.
  11. eleventhavenue

    At What Point Will You Say, "This Is Now DayZ"?

    When those who hate on the difficulty surpass the number of people hating on all other game features together. Then we shall truly have DayZ :)
  12. eleventhavenue

    In-need of some clarification.

    I don't get the whole ´´It can't be perfectly realistic and therefore any suggestions to make it slightly more realistic are EVIL AND WRONG´´ thing. Gameplay > Realism, but this is good for both gameplay AND realism. Therefore, it is a must. And as the OP says, the whole searching for supplies thing is one of the main concepts of DayZ, and it should not be watered down.
  13. This thread... Perpetum Mobile = Confirmed
  14. Well, this looks mildly interesting. Especially the mackerel and the teddy bear (but is Brian truly a good Chernarussian name?) (Also no offense Deathlove but why do you express your opinion by making five single-sentence forum posts? There is a thing called MultiQuote and it's really nice)
  15. Bleh It's amazing how the entire community comes together every 3 days and so, discussing the same thing over again. The arguments are exactly the same, even the insults are the same.. Like usual, this thread will soon die and be replaced by an exactly similar one, and the process will be repeated again... I think if George Orwell ever would have written a novel that took place in an internet forum, that forum would be a lot like this one
  16. eleventhavenue

    There is no such thing as a random kill.

    I think when people say ´´no reason´´ they actually mean ´´a stupid reason which i can not indentify with and which I find also ruins the experience for the community as a whole in one or more ways´´. I think when people get killed because of FPS instinct, fear on one part of communication, or because ´´everyone else KOS´´, they would actually refer to those reasons as ´´no reason´´ when discussing it.
  17. eleventhavenue

    Story of a sad friendly survivor

    People in this game often act really strangely, arbitrarily and irrationally. Trust no one, because how can you trust someone who does not even trust themselves? Doesn't mean that you need to KoS people, of course, but... you should never place to much trust in a stranger, not in this game.
  18. eleventhavenue

    If H1Z1 will have squads and clans at early access why ...

    I don't get the problem at all... Step 1: Find lots of Green Ushankas Step 2: Gather your fellow clansmen around the pile of Green Ushankas Step 3: Have all your clansmen wear Green Ushankas There, clan uniform! Applicable to any piece of clothing but Green Ushankas are clearly superior since they are Ushankas. What is all this ´´Wah wah H1Z1 haz xyz wai can we no has xyz too?´´ If people are talking about something visible only to clansmen, then no, because DayZ is not a game about sorcery (atleast the last time I checked maybe they are changing the direction of the game).
  19. eleventhavenue

    Bringing Back the Green Mountain Mystery

    Comrade... We do not speak of the mountain here.
  20. eleventhavenue

    Weapon accuracies

    Is it this discussion again? Make weapons realistically accurate, and make them actually be hard to aim with. You then get more realism, more skill-based gunplay and higher/same/lower weapon accuracy. Problem solved.
  21. eleventhavenue

    Nighttime in this game is horrible

    I think the major problems with nights right now are: - Night vision exploits - Flashlight too focused. - You can't see if you've ran into a fence and now running on the same spot. You can't feel if you're moving or not. This is really disorientating - It's hard to judge distance and direction to zeds by sound and zeds are often very silent - People expect to be sniped or hunted down if they do anything to show where they are. This needs to change. I don't think it's healthy for the game. - Zeds have the same awareness no matter what time of day it is (I think). In the mod DayZ they had lower visual awareness but the same audial awareness. - We really need to have a better reason for playing during nights than ´´It's awesome´´ or ´´It's easier to hide from players´´ I think fixing this would make nights much more playable. I would not like NVG's. At all. Even if you make them ´´balanced´´, where is the fun in just bypassing the difficulties of darkness? DayZ is supposed to be difficult.
  22. eleventhavenue

    When the game is "finished" (out of Alpha|Beta)

    It's not 10 square kilometers... You are right about the travel time, however. But the world is still the same size, and I don't think that vehicles (especially fast ones) will be very common.
  23. eleventhavenue

    Survival as an End-Goal (Lowering KoS too)

    I don't get in what way getting free stuff at spawn would stop KOS. You say that it removes incentive. I don't think so. I don't really think there is a good reason to implement this at all and I also do think that it will have a negative effect on the game.
  24. eleventhavenue

    Great Idea i think

    This was unnecessarily necroed... But yes, draisins.
  25. eleventhavenue


    Why would there be relief efforts in southern Zagoria if it was a global outbreak? But wouldn't this type of thing be something that you perhaps could find in an outdoor shop or something? It looks like something you could have use of when hiking...