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Everything posted by TheSkugg

  1. TheSkugg

    DayZ survivors wanted

    Just joined the steam group. Looking forward to playing with people that does not involve a fire fight.
  2. I'm in the same boat here. Tired of the one man loot grind and looking for some co-op. Steam Id ? If you see me on steam hit me up.
  3. TheSkugg

    Looking for ppl to play with

    If anyone sees me playing don't hesitate to send me a message. Always up for Co-op. I've been looking for a solid group of players to hang with.
  4. Couldn't find you on steam. Do you have a mic?
  5. TheSkugg

    Post your Steam name!

    SteamId: theskugg Timezone: Eastern -5 Have Mic will travel.