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About corey2k

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  1. corey2k

    No servers in Server Browser

    Why would that matter for him to be able to find servers, but yes they do.
  2. corey2k

    No servers in Server Browser

    Thanks for trying to help, he has shut off his firewall and also allowed dayz through the firewall.
  3. corey2k

    No servers in Server Browser

    He has clicked the Internet and then clicked refresh.
  4. corey2k

    No servers in Server Browser

    That was the first thing we tried.
  5. corey2k

    No servers in Server Browser

    There is no sense to say facepalm when he has tried this 50 times..
  6. corey2k

    No servers in Server Browser

    I have... They only say to change max ping and to click on the internet tab..
  7. corey2k

    No servers in Server Browser

    I have searched the forums. What are the other posts telling people to do?
  8. corey2k

    No servers in Server Browser

    Forgot to mention, that has been done.
  9. My friend has been trying to play the game for the past day and has not seen a single server in the server browser. I myself have seen all of them so I don't see why it would be on his part. I have looked all over the forums and all I see is one other person saying that they have no servers. Someone replied to him telling him to change the max ping, my friend has done this. He has tried changing it to a higher number to see if anything comes up and still nothing comes up. Thanks for the help.
  10. corey2k

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Is there still an issue with some people not being able to see servers on the server browser at all? Also when they try to join a friends game they can't connect that way either.
  11. corey2k

    No server list?

    My friend has tried this and he still get's no servers.