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About andmun@ziggo.nl

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  1. andmun@ziggo.nl

    Pending Update: Build

    I got one yesterday, so... yes!
  2. andmun@ziggo.nl

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I recently had an MP5A5 in my possession, with 3 clips. I then found a MP5SD6 without specific SD clips, switched these weapons, and I could happily shoot in ultra-silence mode. Then I found a bison and switched to it. Later I switched back to the MP5SD6, and lo! It would not recognize the clips I still had that worked perfect before. I dunno what is the bug: should it accept the ammo, making the latter state the bug, or shouldn't it accept, making the first state the bug? Also, I've read somewhere that these 19x9 parabellum are convertible from M9 ammo and such, yet I didn't find any way to do it. On the whole, an awesome update!
  3. andmun@ziggo.nl

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    ^^^ this Being a sniper has too many advantages. (except for the fact that they haven't got a life) I would love to have my friends, or myself, sick him.
  4. andmun@ziggo.nl

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    That just sounds so wrong on so many levels!
  5. andmun@ziggo.nl

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    ^^^^ Give this man a cigar!
  6. andmun@ziggo.nl

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Statistics are nice and are very popular in sports. Especially media from the USA flood the (sports)news with them. But they can also lead to wrong conclusions or worse. For instance, someone suggested percentage of deaths by hunger or thirst. But usually, most people wil either start exhibit riskful behaviour and getting killed by players or infected, or will simply respawn or otherwise kill themselfes. And in the end, statistically speaking, we all die by bloodloss... I'd suggest reading "Freakonomics" in this regard. What I would really like to see is a top 50 list of murderers, a "Most Wanted" list, and honour them by forcing luminescent prison-clothes upon them in the game, or a small dark cloud of lightning and rain that follows them around. But that is another story... ;)
  7. First of all, I think the intentions of the OP are good. I concur with the idea that, this being an alpha, now is the time to try crazy ideas. But if the ideas become too crazy, I'd walk away from the alpha and there would have to be a pretty convincing case for me to buy the finished product. Though all these ideas seem a reasonable way of inducing the so coveted goal of more cooperation, there are essentially two kinds of player: - The pro, who has much experience with some, maybe more, different FPS games. - The n00b, meaning me, who already has a hard time to make it to the next city, let alone stay alive long enough to loot a warehouse for food. I can't shoot very well, which will become painfully obvious once I try to function in an organized group. Someone posted earlier in this thread that it takes 30 minutes to arm oneself, and another 20 to start an all-out war. That person has either played a different game than I did, or played it radically different. In the latter case, these are issues that have to be addressed in technical way, not by altering game-mechanics. It seems to me that the proposed 'rules' are mainly benefiting the people who have accumulated a large horde of material, and are unwilling to part with it just because some asshole saw you first. A valid emotion, but hardly of any importance for the game at large. I think that implementing most of the measures suggested here will greatly deter any new players. And for a game to be a commercial success, you HAVE to attract new players and let them enjoy their own learning curve as set forth by the game. Personally I feel the game is balanced at the moment: I've had as much positive encounters as I have had negative ones. There were moments when a Samaritan selflessly gave me blood and morphine. I've experienced also the sense of loss when I got shot carrying that coveted CZ550, after spending hours upon hours searching for the correct ammo. It was heart-wrenching: he pulled the trigger a split second sooner than I did. Who cares if a typical game only lasts between 1 and 10 hours? There are so many games out there that leave you alive in the world for days and days of playing time. I think it's refreshing to see a game that has the potential to deliver the same, only rarely does. Perhaps the true survivors ARE the murderers in the end. What would you expect of people? (and I speak that last word with disdain.) In the end, every decision to shoot, whether from afar or at point-blank range, is made on so many variables and split second decisions it's instinctive. Can't control instincts with rules. Rules might deter, but that doesn't help me much when that sniper just though: "Aw. Fekkit.". Only taking away firearms from the game in it's entirety can do that. Which brings me to the last point. There are a few servers that still have side-chat enabled. I speak a few foreign languages. The HATE and ABUSE and SWEARING that goes on is mind-boggling. The racism, hatefulness toward nationalities (especially the USA/RU-stuff), insinuations about their mothers, their girlfriends and their failure to be of any use to them both. The list goes on and on. Life as a human is meant to be juxtaposed between extremes. Avoiding the extremes themselves even more so. Perhaps enabling the side-chat AND player-tags everywhere again will do more for cooperation than all these rules. I would have no remorse shooting assholes, I'm a Darwinist. :)
  8. andmun@ziggo.nl

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Everything keeps getting better and I am sure 1.7.2 will be a new milestone. From - Love the new zombies. It's not too difficult to evade them as long you're proning a lot. And I don't mind. - I'm getting more and better weapons than before. Getting twice as much AK's than I do enfields. Nice! - Maybe I remember the names wrong: the ammo-type used in a certain AK74(S? U?) Kobra does not show this guns' name in the 'used in' list. Then again, I'm totally gun-ignorant so I may be missing something. Still, if the mod did not automagically add the right ammo to the gear, I'd be at a loss as to what would work. - I still often break bones from stepping over wire close to a wall, turning the wrong way with a gun in my hands after climbing up a ladder , and proning into buildings. It changes my behavior to taking more risks, just to prevent breaking bones., and whilst on that subject: - some more morphine would be nice. They're more rare than remingtons! - I came close to dieing (bright red icon) of thirst two times in a downpour. Seems laughable to me! - Intense buzzing of flies without a player corpse nearby happens often. Maybe the body liquefies and the ooze is still there? :)) - dead players are sometimes standing upright. Can't a dead player assume one of, say three standard corpse positions? As it is now, I sometimes approach a dead player way too cautiously. Which is kinda fun in retrospect! Lastly, I just want to say how excited I am to able to play a small part in the creation of a new game that will quite likely be award-winning. These are good times! Cheers! Ah! I forgot: I threw an empty whiskey bottle while crouching in a dearstand/treestand and I hit the roof or the pole of this deerstand instead of it landing outside. A high-pitched sound-glitch ensued that lasted about half a minute. Thought I was going crazy!
  9. andmun@ziggo.nl

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Hmm. As a newbie (4 dayz in), I found a spot with lots of loot, equipped an Enfield, got noticed by zombies and made a last stand at a door. After shooting about 25 of them (I swear: I was waist-deep in corpses!), they seemed to have enough, and shuffled off. I continued my search in the building, but got noticed again by a hopper from outside, and shooting that one on the second floor brought in more zombies. 10 more killed, and out of ammo. Went down a ladder, got some damage, ran for 3 km (chased for several minutes by 10+ zombies) before climbing up a crane. No zombies climbed up for about 5 minutes, and there were about 15 waiting for me downstairs. I decided to call it a day (at 23:30) and logged off/ aborted. From what I've read in this thread, it is mostly considered cheating when interacting with PC's/NPC's at a seconds/30 seconds notice. Is what I did considered cheating?