Hey! Currently enjoying the standalone alot! However, me and my pal have run into a really weird little issue. So my friend had no water or soda and he became really really thirsty. After a while messages like "I am getting really thirsty" started appearing. When his screen had gone black and white he finally fell unconscious (due to dehydration, right?). So maybe 5 minutes later I found him STANDING in the middle of a dirt road, he still was stuck at the black screen saying "You are unconscious" but he could look up and down, I saw his body move that way. So I had loads of food and water and I started force feeding him. I fed him like 4 or 5 sodas and a can of tuna. This ought to do the trick right? Well, after a good 30 minutes my friend is still unconscious. I now wonder if this is a known bug or if it just takes a good while before his character starts responding to the water and food he's been force fed. Oh and, he tried relogging several times, still the same issue. I'd be delighted if someone here could shed some light on this issue. Thanks in advance!