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Everything posted by cjramze@gmail.com

  1. cjramze@gmail.com

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    Sadly I didn't record it but at the barns west of the power plants near Zelegnorsk, I was providing overwatch as my friends raided the barn. They engaged 4 zombies, I watched 4 more spawn out of thin air before they'd killed the ones they engaged. Their shots agro'd the newly spawned ones. More spawned... before the old were killed, agro'd and on and on. They killed around 100 maybe 150 before we figured it wasn't going to stop. We had to run into the woods and finish them off there, Ridiculous.
  2. cjramze@gmail.com

    Unconscious spawning bug

    Neither of those work for me, I've died multiple times on servers so far. I've had limbs broken too, regardless of the server or life I have I log in unconcious. Its REALLY annoying because it means I have to log out somewhere or get friends to cover me whilst I come back alive!
  3. I have this exact same issue every now and again. Also Zombies can't see me... So I just run through towns, When I get near players that have agro'd zombies I can agro them too, but until then I'm ok.
  4. cjramze@gmail.com

    Less snipers as of wednesday..

    I'm a sniper and I have to say 4 people in my group have snipers but I'm the only one when we go out looking for loot. Rare I see another sniper mostly assault folk
  5. cjramze@gmail.com

    Huey Right now on de 4

    When I was on De4 back in the day they had two choppers. People on De4 seem to work well as a team, sure it wasn't a thermal L85A2?
  6. cjramze@gmail.com

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    Your so awesome OP, please tell me what I have to do to be more like you! Wait no, I couldn't give two shits
  7. cjramze@gmail.com

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Messed up controls? What's wrong with them. Personally I'd love to see this on the crytek engines. Woodland in Arma is a bit shitty, it provides no real cover for either you or your tents. Spotting people at distance is hilarious because items just don't render. Crytek would be perfect for solving many issues but it won't happen :-(
  8. I dont want to sound like a raging bell end but unless your using statically assigned IP addresses that wont be a problem and looking at the phrasing of your question I'd assume that you don't know how to do that. I would hazard a guess that its port related, what type of error message do you get when it fails?
  9. cjramze@gmail.com

    Anyone else feel that .50 cals....

    What like against vehicles scattered throughout the landscape. Army's don't decide the weapons they need once their engaged!
  10. cjramze@gmail.com

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    I think that you misunderstand what a crisis will do to a person, when it gets rough, but faced with possible death or relative safety you would take their life too
  11. cjramze@gmail.com


    No, there is nothing wrong with the day and night cycle
  12. cjramze@gmail.com

    Why are people against the idea of NPC guards?

    I dont understand the need for it to be honest. Nowhere is safe when you have little to loose
  13. cjramze@gmail.com

    There is a mod to help people with A2 lighting issue....

    It badly implemented yes, turn it off.
  14. cjramze@gmail.com

    Large Increase in Noobs?

    Shooting people that don't shoot back their clearly noobs...
  15. You sound so awesome I wish I was as cool as you dudes. :lol:
  16. cjramze@gmail.com

    Alt F4 is it okay in this situation?

    Who gives a shit really how morally justifiable it is. I've died multiple times to hackers teleporting me, around the map, into the air, exploding the server etc. I'd dc, and your not stooping to a level whoever said that's an idiot your avoiding permadeath and hours upon hours of character creation at the hands of someone who is cheating
  17. cjramze@gmail.com

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    Not funny and not likely
  18. cjramze@gmail.com

    ITT:Camp Hunting

    It works like a charm, try and stick to high ground and survey the landscape. Tents have like a white edge after a certain distance
  19. cjramze@gmail.com

    What percentage of players you meet/engage Alt+F4?

    So far in the 120 hours I've played I've only come across one Alt F4'er, I must be one of the lucky ones. And I'm a terrible shot so people know I'm shooting at them
  20. cjramze@gmail.com

    Your amazing logins

    I'd just got a gun with a flashlight and logged into a US server to try it out. Logged in and there was a guy proned with his gun on my Skull. I pancied and fired killing him in a single shot, I turned around and both his friends were in the hallway of the barracks... They turned to me and I lit them both up. One of them had a rocket launcher, I fired it off into a building wandered went to the corpses looted all the things I needed and disconnected. Best login I've ever had.
  21. Strange aggro issues on infected. Sometimes if your a distance away from a group of infected the front 5 staring at you wont see you, Then one of the infected at the back will spot you from a ridiculous distances and aggro. Sometimes he can run all the way to you as you run away and you can still not agro others. Not keen on their visual distances when stood up running
  22. cjramze@gmail.com

    Character gone after update

    Ditto, Tonight I logged off finally with some semi decent gear and a few kills under my belt... On the coast with nothing. Let the zombies kill me, Hop servers and bingo all my stuff back. I wonder what causes it? Maybe corrupt character data?
  23. cjramze@gmail.com

    Global Ban

    Wow some of the people here are complete dicks. Anyway, Yes they are correct battleeye do all of the bans. You'll need to contact them for any action. Rocket and his team have no control over whos banned.