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About subliminal_city

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. subliminal_city

    What should I do

    I do roleplay, sometimes serious sometimes less so, however I don't see that as a game mechanic, you can RP in any game that gives you the possibilities to interact via text or VOIP. I don't think I've played a single game online where I don't roleplay to some degree. Sadly on regular servers roleplaying seems to go amiss, particularly if you're going to do something other than running around ranting and raving - trying to get everyone to remove their pants. As far as game mechanics go, you're limited in what you can do (and don't take that as a complaint - it's just an observation about the current build).
  2. subliminal_city

    What should I do

    So what other game mechanics are there, other than combat and exploring? Spray-painting a weapon isn't really an activity. Well, exploring to me includes interaction with other people but player interaction isn't a game mechanic and as far as game mechanics go the game is pretty limited at the moment. So I will maintain my idea that the only two things that are currently viable in the game is exploring and/or killing or dying.
  3. subliminal_city

    What should I do

    Except at this point in the game, there are more or less only two things you can do: explore and/or go die/kill other players.
  4. subliminal_city

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Well... do you want to know what killed you? "Not sure lol." that right there is what killed you. It is bad enough that you write "lol" but if you actually say "lol" I would have shot you too, again and again and again and...
  5. subliminal_city

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    @OP. Just wait for private hives, then there will be servers with rp that hopefully holds higher quality than "I have to defend myself" (although horrificly misspelled and 300 lulz in a sentence consisting of five words).
  6. subliminal_city

    Damaged stuff

    Just stay away from rotten fruit. But damaged cans are no issues. I haven't had any issues with damaged bandages either. Ruined weapons such as knives, screwdrivers and the like can still be used to open up cans with.
  7. subliminal_city

    To the random Asian man I met

    The NIN version is and always will be better than the Cash version. Though, he did a great number of Personal Jesus (however no one does covers as Tori Amos). On topic though, amusing story. One rabid dog less and you got two cans of spaghetti on top of it, would call that a win (since it obviously was self-defense). Have some beans.
  8. subliminal_city

    Had no idea I was in the wrong.

    I fail to see how you engaged in any bad server hopping here. The server hopping that most people frown upon is the one where you log out in an area with military loot and hop from server to server to accumulate military grade equipment with minimal effort and/or risk in a short period of time. Not necessarily military equipment, but equipment in general but since military equipment is the equipment that most people want. I play on at least four different servers, depending on what time I play and how many people there are at the servers when I play and I wouldn't consider myself a server hopper.
  9. subliminal_city

    My friend, the psycho

    That argument is invalid. Why? Because there are respawns. Killing someone, particularly someone who doesn't have any weapons - doesn't make him or her less of a threat, since he or she will just respawn. So that's the worst argument someone could possibly use in that situation. You do realise that there's only one thing for you to do right? Put him down like a dog, after all... he might be a threat to you in the long run, particularly since he's the one thinking everyone else is a threat and will sooner or later see you as a threat so it would be better to just raise that gun and put a bullet in the back of his skull when he least expects it. Seriously though, you should... just because it will be fun as hell when you do.
  10. subliminal_city

    So i just went on a Rampage...

    You mean "Newspawns Killed: 4,232" ...must be hard.
  11. subliminal_city

    Lonewolf meets Bambi Bart

    No, I honestly don't think it's needed. I had never played the mod before, nor had I actually seen any clips from the game online. It's not that hard really. Most things are pretty damn logical and the basic things are easy to get a hang of. I guess the only thing would be ripping your shirt to rags to use as bandages. If you haven't played Zomboid or seen it online, you probably wouldn't think of doing that. There should be one loading tip in this game that should be: "When (not if) you die, think about what you should have done differently."
  12. subliminal_city

    So I just saw a server named "Friendly! No KOS! 24/7 day! 3PP: ON!"

    No PvP is not allowed. Only day - who cares, everyone adjusts gamma during night time play anyway, so night time is pretty much ruined anyway. 3PP:On - if you don't like to play in 3PP, no one is going to force you to play there. So... the real question is really, why the f did you even bother making another totally pointless thread?
  13. subliminal_city

    How do you protect yourself against betrayal?

    I would say I knew him, he had started planning that betrayal for about a year before he actually did it. Can't say I blame him, he played it pretty well I must say. I have done similar things against real life friends, although not on perma-death servers - but killing your real life friends and looting their corpses, or luring them into traps. As long as it fits the character. The only thing I wouldn't do is loot someone's corpse just to delete their items or sell their items to npcs. Need to have a fair chance of getting their stuff back, with or without the help of friends. People need to stop taking things so damn personally. It's a game, spice it up - and as a personal rule, make sure that it is on equal playing grounds. No point in killing someone that can't defend themself... unless you're a coward that is. I'd rather die from another player's betrayal than from spawning on a server where you can't do jackshit and a zombie kills you. Any day of the week, except Tuesday mornings.
  14. subliminal_city


    With the added spraycans I'm gonna do whole cars.