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Everything posted by Silverfix227

  1. So like when i play 30 mins or less everything goes fine, after that i get a ***load of desync and lag, drinking takes 2-5minutes to perform after clicking etc, how do i fix this annoying thingy? if the only solution is logging out and shutting down the game then going back, hell no thats just too much.
  2. Silverfix227

    Game is not availible. SayWhut?

    Definately need a solution to this ASAP
  3. Silverfix227

    Cant abort?

    Dunno, i just killed 2 guys and now i cant abort, the button is grey and wont let me click it? edit: and forgot to mention that after sitting a while in a bush sniping people at NW made a ghillie suit spawn on me, dunno why but cant complain lol.
  4. Silverfix227

    All of a sudden...

    Okay here is the deal: I log in dayZ with less fps than usually (usually around 30) i had 20 or under I try tweaking the graphic settings (if i remember right i tried putting texture detail to low from normal or high) BOOM all of a sudden huge ass graphical glitch appears It wont go away no matter what i do, and my fps wont go better also. My PC specs dont matter in this thread because i ran dayz just fine before this + i havent updated anything today, i have ran with 883 or something ending beta patch just fine for a few days + i tried flush trick, did nothing either. + tried switching video memory to every possible, did nothing Why all of a sudden?
  5. Silverfix227

    All of a sudden...

    Nevermind, solved by verifying game cache
  6. Silverfix227

    All of a sudden...

    Bump, need more advice still clueless... Dont wanna reinstall arma, OA and dayz just yet, not that it would guarantee anything
  7. Silverfix227

    All of a sudden...

    Please read the post before saying anything... i have tried that
  8. Silverfix227

    Post a picture of your gear

    Title says it all, these goodies i got in one day :)
  9. Silverfix227

    Ghillie suit

    Is it safe to put on a ghillie suit in does anyone have any experience or tips what to do when putting it on?
  10. Silverfix227

    Ghillie suit

    mmh... im so scared to put it on :D but if you are certain that the spawning in ocean shit is fixed by relogging im gonna do it.
  11. Silverfix227

    Ghillie suit

    Well yeah im probably gonna drop everything but im just scared that i teleport to fuck knows where
  12. Silverfix227

    Ghillie suit

    So you dont have to drop EVERYTHING? but its advised though? can you teleport or anythng? just that ive got the BEST gear in the whole game atm and i dont wanna lose it
  13. Silverfix227

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP1

    Biggest bullshit video ive seen so far, not funny at all.
  14. Silverfix227

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    This thread is the biggest BS in this forum, u mad console boys :D
  15. Silverfix227

    My M107 for your AS50?

    Nope its not compatible ive tested myself.
  16. Silverfix227

    Post a picture of your gear

    Because i was in cherno tower when i got the nvg, then wanted to log into a night time server and that was the best i could find, just needed to get out of cherno, and by the way there arent much nigh time servers with that much people so...
  17. Silverfix227

    Post a picture of your gear

    Bump, more :)
  18. Silverfix227

    Post a picture of your gear

    Quoting aint working for me o_O i found my first NVG from barracks, someone died from zombie attack apparently, these ones are from a random guy i killed at cherno sniper tower.
  19. Silverfix227

    Post a picture of your gear

    Because i posted this on an imageboard earlier.
  20. Silverfix227

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    Sacriel42, check him out you wont regret it.
  21. Silverfix227

    wonna change

    What the...?
  22. Silverfix227

    Cant download beta patch

    http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ wont work at all, asks about some password and username? it did work fine before though
  23. Silverfix227

    Cold and infection

    I witness extremely rapid temperature dropping at night WITHOUT rain, is it supposed to be very rapid at night, well therefore i caught a cold on my charcter and from that i got infection. Well i cured the infection by accident, just logged out and couple hours later in lol, i think that aint supposed to happen right
  24. Silverfix227

    Cold and infection

    I know, just trying to confirm if its supposed to be how rapid without rain, cos i think it was as rapid as in rain