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About Schtick

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    On the Coast
  1. Schtick

    Character save wipes

    Same problem. Twice tonight after getting fully equipped spawned on beach empty handed after taking a break. It doesn't seem like full character wipes like the one Rocket warned us about. It seems like random lost character files.
  2. Just want to say I highly support some kind of skill tree. Not asking to be a god mode druid that can hug a tree to get full hp and turn into a monkey to climb it and escape zombies. Just basics that give me some small reason to give two shits if I die. And promote the funloving banditry that involves taking hostages, taking gear at gunpoint etc. Like many have said before me. There's no way I'll ever let someone handcuff me, because I'd rather die than lose my stuff and remain alive in my current state. In a survival game, that shouldn't be the case.
  3. Disclaimer: I understand this is an alpha, and it is meant as a test infrastructure Now to weigh in on the subject. I'd like to see the following two items implemented. 1. Spawn loot other than at server restart. I know they have plans for this already. I think it is the first item (related to this issue) that should be implemented. There will always be people who plan and do attempt to break the game or abuse broken mechanics. However, I do feel this initial item will eliminate a large portion of server hopping, and isolate it to those abusers (at that point a number of options are open to penalize them, since they're all just abusing it. That kind of abuse should be eventually written in as violation of terms of service. The long version of my explanation (skip this paragraph if you don't like reading): Consider my second life in DayZ:SA. I scramble off the beach and make my way around several housing areas without finding anything other than a rotten kiwi and an axe. I see a sign for Cherno, and being a new player (never played pre-SA) I'm excited about making my way to the big city and challenging myself to sneak my way in for some supplies. Along the way I catch glimpse of a bandit clearly waiting for this kind of activity and looking to KoS. He's prone behind some clutter on the second floor of a building with some high powered weapon. Lucky I saw him before he saw me. I'm getting many notifications that I'm hungry and thirsty, and realize I probably don't have much time. But if I V-Line it for the grocery store I'm as good as dead, so I sneak my way around the back side of the building. It takes some time, but I manage to get to some nice looking houses the other side of the grocery store. Empty. Empty. Empty. Now I'm starving. I decide to try my luck against the bandit. I circle back to the building. He must have hear me, because he moves from his initial position and comes down the stairs looking suspicious. I found a good spot to flank from another room in the house. As he passes the room, I axe him! Success! I took a bullet for it, but it will be worth it. I check his body and am now equipped with his nice weapon. Unfortunately, he had only canned food and no opener. No problem, I've gotten rid of the threat overlooking the grocery store. I head there, knowing I'm about to die from starvation. Wouldn't you know it.... Empty. Using a great deal of survival tactics, combat tactics, and luck... I take 45 minutes to do all of this. And die from starvation in a grocery store after checking all surrounding buildings and killing a geared bandit. Before I died, I definitely considered server hopping to get some well deserved food. Many people will take that leap and I wouldn't blame them for it. It's a survival game, not a "you die no matter what if you're not first on the server" game. 2. When entering a server, you spawn on the coast. I haven't heard a solid argument against this. Outside of the fact that bambis like myself might get slaughtered by freshly spawned geared bandits (that's something the bandits could do if they wanted to anyways), there's no real down side. It forces people to consider combat logging if they've travelled any real distance. It prevents server hopping for loot in high value areas. It prevents server hop flanking. It solves all the problems with no obvious issues. Anyhow, there's my 2c.