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Posts posted by Kamen87

  1. Ok before i get started in this post anyone who is going to say your full of shit or your just ganna kill us go post that in your own thread about [ZN].

    With that said, Visit our froums at http://zednecks.enjin.com/forum/m/6641163/viewthread/3693230-mednecks-medical-squad-to-save-people for information and post there if you need medical attention. We are also recruiting ppl to join the med squad. Once agin we are a clan thats trying to turn a new leaf and make a move away from banditry and twords giving back to the DayZ community. Yes we have killed people for fun. Yes we Used to KOS. Yes we were bandits. But things change. As Dayz grows we to want to grow and we are attempting to Enlarge our reputation as a Clan that gives not takes.

  2. I would like to find ONE person that is willing to come meet with me just to prove we arnt ganna kill anyone who is trading. Even if that were the case As soon as we did kill someone who set up a trade then that person would instanly post about here and we would have made all the work we put into the post a waste of time. Ill give Anyone who wants to meet with me a free par of NVGs just to come have a conversation.

  3. Items [ZN] would like to obtain through trade

    - FN FAL mags

    - barb wire

    - tank traps

    - Sandbags

    - bear traps

    - M9 SD mags

    - Rang finders

    - Soda

    - Can food

    - Tents

    - Engine Parts

    Things that [ZN] Has to offer for trade

    - NVGs

    - MANY differant guns and ammo

    - GPS

    - Alice packs

    - cooked meat

  4. we arnt charging anything for free trade. We just want to build OUR servers popularity by giving back. If u guys Feel like its a setup then feel free to bing some backup. BUT if any one is going to try to rob anyone at the trading zone remember that you wont see all of our members at the trade aka snipers that CAN see you

  5. Hello Survivors, and Bandits

    This is [ZN] Kevin (the leader of the ZedNecks. We have been a bandit clan for sometime. Raiding airfield and KOSing with no questions asked, Picking off noobs at electro and cherno for fun, ect... We have Decided to start giving back to the DayZ community in 2 ways. the 1st way being We have setup a trading post in our server. You may find the details here http://zednecks.enjin.com/forum/m/6641163/viewthread/3674626-zednecks-trading-post

    The second way is I am in the process of making and individual branch of the ZedNecks known as the MedNecks. They will act as the RRF and doctors do. They will come to your aid in your time of need for no cost. keep a lookout on our website for the details coming soon.

  6. Your 12 posts show some real dedication in solving your problems. This thread is adding to the problem. Thanks guy,

    there is no point in reporting my problems the don't get solved. And its not rly "TESTING" when there are over 500,000 players is it

    The game is currently under development. Rocket has said that he wants all of that functionality in the final game, but the truth is that with Arma II's engine, it is just hard to put together.

    Yes, people log out when shot at. No, that is not the only past time in this game. If one aspect of the game seems broken, then go test other parts until it gets fixed.

    On a personal note, I am sorry that rocket and friends are working too slowly on their donated time for you, it must be so hard to get handed this mod for free. Please go grow up.

    I payed $30 to play DayZ. that's not "free". PLUS my main argument is not letting the people (server admins) Who make the game possible to play for thoughs 500,000 players have any control over the server they pay for. I spend my time making sure my server is rebooted to keep things running smoothly and monitoring it for hackers. until any of you do the same u have no right to criticize my complaints about not having control over my server.

    • Like 2

  7. I don't get why ppl still post in this forum. Nothing is ever done about ANY of it. This game is going to die because we (Server Admins) have no possible way to take matters into our own hands. Hackers get to hack and have no one to stop them. And how can it even be claiming that its "Realistic" when ppl just log out when the get shot. In real life if some one gets cancer they can just fucking press the restart button and be reborn again.

    • Like 1

  8. Hello

    The ZedNecks of Server US 708 are looking for Serious players.

    If you are

    *Over the age of 18

    *Been playing DayZ for at least 2 weeks

    *Can Take orders

    *Shut up when told to shut up. (In combat situations we need coms clear.

    "We" run server US 708. looking to setup self sufficient outpost in the woods. Need capable snipers, medics, and scavengers. In the next we ill be settign up a rank system for clan members and we will be enforcing chain of command. if you cannot or will not litsen to your superiors then dont bother. If your commander says Run at he sniper to expose his position then run at the damn sniper. We have a competent Recovery team to pickup new spawns or stranded players. We also are in the process of forming a Rapid response team for quick backup in desperate situations.

    We take care of our own and have a huge surplus of materials. Which means Quick gear up and back to action.

    If you are interested in joining please PM me.



    You will be asked to complete a trial in order to prove your worth the [ZN]. Tasks can include.

    - Scavenge hunt (given a list of difficult but not to difficult item to obtain. we will not ask to keep these items just for u to prove to s you have obtained them)

    - 1 on 1 man hunt (You and a chosen clan member will face off with supplied gear in a town of out choice)

    - Killing spree (You will be observed in a city of YOUR choice and give a certian amount of players to kill without being killed. We WILL NOT offer any sort of aid to you at all)

  9. has one of the admins i was in cherno sniping on a rooftop. and saw a dirt bike rolling through town. took a couple of shots and the next thing i know the dirt bike (hot rod with racing numbers on it) and the two dudes are on the roof with me. I banned matt and didnt catch the others name.

    Be on the lookout for Matt

    -[ZN] Kevin
