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Khad (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Khad (DayZ)

  1. Khad (DayZ)

    Killed by a glitch or a player?

    You don't even die instantly irl.
  2. Khad (DayZ)

    How to Fix Kos

    According to an old german saying:
  3. Khad (DayZ)


    >Looking for friendly people in coastal towns Seriously, head north if you don't want to be KoSed.
  4. We can't even know, if the graca is the problem.
  5. Khad (DayZ)

    spawning in berezino and finding a backpack

    Today, I was looking for a backpack there, too. I just found a baseball bat on the top of the building. When I re-entered the second floor, I saw two guys fighting. One with a crowbar got attacked by another with an axe. The Crowbardude died, before I was able to help him and so I decided to jum into the fight by myself. Well... I've hit this guy twice, but netheless he killed me with his axe. While I had the You are dead - screen, I heard him cursing me, so I hope he was injured really bad 8D But what I really want to say is: This is the first time I've ever met someone in this building. But you should secure it though before entering the town, as you can see in the following picture (didn't pull the trigger ;) )
  6. I dig your style, man. You got a whole cowboy thing doing... Sorry, I just had to! O_O
  7. The Marsh around Balota and so on would definitly a nice candidate for this idea, too ;) It really has to put in, but i never thought of it. BEANS O_O
  8. Khad (DayZ)

    Spray-paint question

    Wow... enjoy the spraycolor on clothes and skin... You could it use more like weapon ^.^ Btw. I've found Black & Green today.
  9. Ubernaut is right. The Hunterbackpack is the best one in game o.o It's slightly smaller but you can manage this without any problem. If you're wearing military clothing, it will fit perfectly and you got the maximum camo.
  10. Khad (DayZ)

    Loot Respawn?

    This thread is about the experimental-build from 01.21.14 My fellow survivors, I'm really confused O_O I just spawned on an experimental hardcore-server in Novy Sobor. After I found a watersource, I left the two completely Newspawnoverran towns Novy and Stary behind me. In the military base nearby I was able to find a mountainbackpack. Nothing more. So I went to Vybor. There it happened O_O ... the whole town looked looted. No Z's. Not a single. Every door was open. There was no weapon at the common weaponspawns. Every car was looted. But... there was food. Loads of food inside the houses, which seemed to be looted. And in every house >_O. Which leads to my question: Is it possible, that some kind of loot, like food, does reaspawn by now? Because it seemes strange, that there is a town near a playerspawn with a single can of beans left.
  11. Khad (DayZ)


    Thanks for the tip. I'm going to try it out.
  12. Why don't you read the hot topics before buying an early access alpha? :D
  13. Khad (DayZ)

    Loot Respawn?

    From a single Vybor-Run: Well... im really confused, how this could be possible. Played a lot DayZ SA and never experienced something like this in a single town O_O
  14. Khad (DayZ)

    Combat Logging HAS to stop PRONTO

    You are right, but please use one of the other 90000 threads to discuss this.
  15. Khad (DayZ)

    Panic Logging...

    What if it crashes? O_O They should just stand freezed as long as the timer would last.
  16. Khad (DayZ)

    Panic Logging...

    What about not being able to log out as long as you got a weapon in your hands? Additional to one of the logout-timer-solutions.
  17. Khad (DayZ)

    Panic Logging...

    Nope. >Another shot >Reset to 3 Minutes. Otherwise 30 shots fired would start a 90 minutes timer xD
  18. Khad (DayZ)

    How seriously do you take your gameplay?

    I do it like OP, if I'm in an military area... but in small villages, the chance to have anyone around is just too low, so that I just stay in cover as much as possible, but don't clear every single room like some specopsdude :P. There is something between serious and SERIOUS. Go watch some Arma-Clan-Missions and you'll know what I mean. Because in them, it could happen, that you don't move for a few hours. Just like in real life. So for me: I don't want to take it as serious like real life, but I wan't to take it as a serious GAME ;)
  19. Khad (DayZ)

    Panic Logging...

    >Bullet hits a 100m radius near you >3 Minutes Log out timer Problem solved.
  20. Khad (DayZ)

    Do you get color back from Health Regen?

    After an hour of eating and drinking until full, you should get color back, yes. But make sure, you haven't just drink until full and ate just a single can of beans ;) EDIT: Once I changed from black/white to color WHILE I ate my bag of rice. So it shouldn't take very long at all...
  21. Khad (DayZ)

    Why ARMA Engine?

    I bet Quake, Cry, Source, Gamebryo and all the others were as cluncky in their alphas as DayZ is atm. The problem right now is mouse acceleration and the quickbar-feedback. As like the damage feedback due to lack of ragdolls. I don't think, that these are un-fix-able issues.
  22. Khad (DayZ)

    Why ARMA Engine?

    What should simulate our weapons, all the damage and this giant environement as good as the RV? Frostbite? lol Creation Engine? Btw... do you know how much money it takes to buy an engine?
  23. Another good argument for 3rd person... oh..... wait.. ;)
  24. Khad (DayZ)

    Dead Body Timer

    The spawntowns are real graveyards.
  25. Khad (DayZ)

    Thanks, Hellos and Moans

    I want to congrat the ninja up the hospital in Elektro, who slashed me with his axe and got some really old and hard looted premium gear. Well... I was there for suicide anyway, so enjoy this stuff and don't get sniped, you little bastard.