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Khad (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Khad (DayZ)

  1. Khad (DayZ)

    Does this make me a bad guy?

    Rule 1: Do what the guy with the gun is saying. Never found any other rule out here....
  2. Khad (DayZ)

    HAHAHAHA Oh geez, look who's playing:

    Couldn't he just offer me some ammo instead of wasting it with his 1337-aim? :(
  3. Khad (DayZ)

    About Chinese Version

    Free translation - service. Why not, Devs? /o/ Edit: I would just ask via pm for the Text-Snippets. Maybe they have prepared some. So you can translate english to chinese and send it back. Can't be really hard to replace some stringfiles(?) after this.
  4. Check your Gamma ^_^ And just eat and drink, until you're full.
  5. Khad (DayZ)

    Can openers LOL

    The problem isn't the loot spawn...the problem is the respawn and server hoppers. Found loads of can openers and batterys up north. Btw: My household doesn't has a canopener, since i have a pocketknife ;)
  6. Khad (DayZ)

    How NOT to KoS?

    Okay, so I really don't like KoS. And don't want to be killed with further interaction and I don't want to kill the other, too. Even if I was a bandit, I couldn't get any gear by KoSing at the moment, because pissed of players are logging out way too fast ;). But... I don't really have a solution at the moment. If I just ran into a guy with a m4 and lower my own weapon and say that i'm friendly, I can't know, if he will shoot or not. He doesn't know it about me either. There is just no indicator for KoSers and meeting another armed player is gambling. So the rational solution is shooting first. And the people just will do, because there is a lack of Reason, which includes to see safety in the deescalation of the situation, by gaining peace and get out of there in one piece. But in DayZ the players would shoot, even it was a mexican standoff. Are there some people, who don't KoS, if they come too close to a well armed player? How do you survive this situation without shooting?
  7. Khad (DayZ)

    How NOT to KoS?

    This thread is not crying on KoSing, neither it is a beg for a "fix" of this phenomenon. It's just a discussion about solving situations with other players.
  8. Khad (DayZ)

    How NOT to KoS?

    Well, you're right. The only threat in the north are serverhoppers at the airfields.
  9. Khad (DayZ)

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    This is a Sturmkarabiner. It Karabines Sturm. Sure it will be better! òÓ But to be honest, I don't like the idea of having all the weapons from all over the world laying around in Chernorussia.
  10. Khad (DayZ)

    Chernarus+ easter egg: Cerne Abbas Giant

    Move on! This place is cursed....
  11. Khad (DayZ)

    Multiple characters

    I'd love this to be implemented. Everytime I play, I go with my squad. But I'd like to play the lone wolf too and even team up with him again, if the first character died.
  12. Khad (DayZ)

    Master11388's Screenshots

    You should find some better clothing ;)
  13. Khad (DayZ)

    How to find friends?

    Use this wisely: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus After you've found some signs, which say you, where you are, you can find the way by the shape of the streets and some buildings... and go where ever you want.
  14. Khad (DayZ)

    What exactly do ballistic helmets stop

    When I was fully equipped, some Z's hit me twice because of a glitch. My "healthy" status was gone, but I was fine after combat and didn't bleed.
  15. Khad (DayZ)

    Oculus Rift = Pay2Win

    Oh...well, btw you can't even focus your scope AND the area behind the scope, if you are no owl.
  16. Khad (DayZ)

    What is up with the pros killing the noobie

    You can actually die within a hour by ignoring this since your spawn.
  17. Khad (DayZ)

    Oculus Rift = Pay2Win

    Are you serious o.o? Have you ever played the game with 480x640 on a VGA-Monitor with black and white, lowest graphics, lowest FOV and Draw distance? If you don't want to play it this bad, you will have spend 100$ in a monitor and 1000$ in your computer... is this pay2win, too? The OR is just a very, very, very good display. Everyone with a better display than your iPhone and more than 5 FPS "payed to win".
  18. Khad (DayZ)

    What is up with the pros killing the noobie

    Okay... on the next spawn, I will deliver a braveheart-style speech in front of 30 newspawns with axes, before we all sprint to the Balota - Airstrip and overun the bambihunters! Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!
  19. Khad (DayZ)

    What is up with the pros killing the noobie

    They are absolutely no pros, if they just mess around the coast and can be feared by barely armed people :D Two words: Proper Positioning You don't have to shoot like a pro, if you're at the right places in the right moment and just shoot their backs.
  20. Khad (DayZ)

    Coast sound

    Yup. Let's say "most" ^_^ Just made someone with a m4 run out of the mainbuilding of the Balota Airstrip by knocking my fire extinguisher against the wall, while i was hidden. It sounded like some sniper engaged him. Hehe.
  21. Khad (DayZ)

    So... now what? (The DayZ Paradox)

    I can just share my way of experiencing the game. But I don't really see a sense, too. 1. Im spawning on the coast. If I am near balota, I will loot it and hope for a useful weapon. 2. Now im heading towards north ASAP. Finding some food and more basic gear to survive. 3. I team up in the lower north with my friends. 4. Looting towns between the Airfields and Military Bases. We're now fully equipped. 5. Getting shot - hopefully in a nice fight. 6. Repeat. So... if you are in the north and if you are fully equipped... it would be smart, to stay in the small villages up north, establish a camp and only go out for finding food. But... looking like a soldier and just sitting in the woods is really boring. And so even it isn't compatible with some roleplay, you will wander and search for some risk. You could try to bring peace to balota or hunt down freshspawn-killers 8D. Or you could try to survive a night on the top of Green Mountain... but... in fact there is not pretty much to do, then gearing up as hell and looking for your adventure... it is just freakin' hard to figure out, what your adventure will be... and most time.. you don't want your adventure to happen.
  22. Khad (DayZ)

    Coast sound

    The coast sounds awful. In fact... every sound of dayz is awful. BUT they will reecreate all the sounds and release this overhaul one day. Yay!
  23. Khad (DayZ)


    Regarding to Assain's Creed, every game with hoods in is crowned - or hooded - with success :thumbsup:
  24. Khad (DayZ)

    3v3 pinned down in the bathroom at military base!

    Remember: Never waste time in the barracks. Secure, loot, meet at the entrance and get the hell out of there :3