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Khad (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Khad (DayZ)

  1. Khad (DayZ)

    Looting = Game Crash?!

    I've never experienced this. But once I just walked through a door and... "You are dead."
  2. Khad (DayZ)

    Alcohol tincture

    I don't know, which chemicals the russians used to denature there alcohol, but it could actually make you sick.
  3. Khad (DayZ)

    Stop with the "This weapon doesnt belong" posts.

    It could be possible, that it has something to do with the lore. What if, the USA conquered Chernorussia before the Z's came? Honestly I don't have any idea about DayZ and don't want to mix it up with the ArmA-Story.
  4. Khad (DayZ)

    Respawn Dear God Please

    "During the Alpha" I think, he just posted in DayZ Mod by accident?
  5. Khad (DayZ)

    Developers Working This Coming Week?

    I don't think, that you will get feedback for your question, but I just hope, as like you, that we will get the promised fix ASAP ;)
  6. Khad (DayZ)

    Respawn Dear God Please

    It's really easy to solve the "loot-stealing" problem by simply let the corpse of the respawned player lay there. And btw. I don't want to see a Alive-Respawn-Option, but a suicide-option, if the player got any weapon or just a tool like the screwdriver.
  7. Yep, Tarantino shaped it more around the plot, as far as i know. ...just like the extremely messed up Siegfried-Sage in Django.
  8. Khad (DayZ)


    You're welcome. I don't loot the ingamemaps, too. It's a little bad for the immersion, but there is no reason to use them anymore.
  9. Khad (DayZ)

    My thoughts on the SA so far.

    Restrict 3rd person. Just rip it out of the Engine Òó!
  10. Khad (DayZ)

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    They're just scared. Try avoiding going too close to other survivers, because you can never know, if he will shoot - and so he can't know it about you, too.
  11. Khad (DayZ)


    The loot is totally random at the moment and it is obvious, where you can find military loot (Firestations, Military Bases, Airfields and lol schools). So there's no need for a lootmap atm. I think the map on dayzdb will be one, as soon as the new lootsystem releases.
  12. Khad (DayZ)


    Do you mean this one: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus ?
  13. We can just hope, that they will -and wait for the improvement.
  14. Khad (DayZ)

    Walking, jogging, sprinting.

    If I sprint on the open field, it feels very dangerous, because I know, that I could shoot a sprinting guy on an open field without a problem. So I decide to stay stealth in cover and just sprint, if I have to switch the cover. Yes, you shouldn't be able to sprint that long, but I don't think, it feels gamebreaking, because it is very essential for crossing areas without any cover and must be used in emergency cases.
  15. Khad (DayZ)


    We all know, you are just played the games you knew before they went cool :) I define myself by the games I like to play and don't like to play, too. Err... no ... wait. Forgot, that I'm older than twelve ;)
  16. ....And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers.
  17. Khad (DayZ)


    I want to get rid of this Battlefield-Sun, too ^^
  18. Khad (DayZ)

    getting BLOOD bags from Hospitals

    OP is not stupid, because his suggestion was it; But you are, because you mixed it up.
  19. Khad (DayZ)

    Suggestion for a better perma-death feeling

    If they implement this, I will looking for a private hive without this function and boycott the publics... like many, many others. Atm it would just force me to join some crappy server made out of a rotten tomato located in Kongo.
  20. Khad (DayZ)

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    Reading books... good man! Saving the culture of mankind. I personally try to find even more nice loot O_O ... and my greed kills me every,single.time! ._. It's an alternate to camp Balota and rape these damned serverhoppers!!
  21. Khad (DayZ)

    getting BLOOD bags from Hospitals

    Yay, just let transfuse random blood and enjoy the free dead ._. I don't know, if you allready know it, but you have to test the bloodtypes of acceptor and donator to give the right person the right type of blood.
  22. Khad (DayZ)

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    Is DayZ based on RV 3, RV 4 or will it be a special modded Engine?
  23. Khad (DayZ)

    Signaling / Reflection

    The idea isn't bad. But if the scopes are reflecting that hard, there should be a cap, which you can open and close, for the sniper rifles in the future.
  24. Khad (DayZ)

    The M4 sound is very bad, along with the ballistics

    It's an Alpha.... hehe. Seriously, this is the only reasonable answer, regarding the announced sound-overhaul for the future. Hope, they've allready archived some nice weapon - and hit - sounds.
  25. I visited green mountain today and have noticed, that there are no corpses in the standalone ;( I really want the graveyard back O_O