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Khad (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Khad (DayZ)

  1. Khad (DayZ)

    Character wiped on joining server

    I think this just ... happens. Is it possible, that the reason for this issue is the instability of the hive? Or it could be the lack of client optimization, which leads to a wrong confirmation of your characterstatus to the hive.
  2. Khad (DayZ)

    MultiLanguage forums

    Everybody who want's to play DayZ has to know some english, I guess. I think the split will just lead into reposts of reposts and their reposts. Let's learn Esperanto and make a board for this.
  3. Khad (DayZ)

    Good ol' running up hills

    This should solve the problem... because I'm personally faster in real life, if I run up a hill diagonal
  4. Khad (DayZ)

    are people trying to make the SA to friendly?

    Aaaaw, is finding weapons not casual enough? :(
  5. Well, you're right: You have to calculate the muzzle energy E_k regarding to the weight and mass of powder of the amunition AND barrell-length of the gun. But if you want to be exact, than calculate with humidity, clasp and moisture of the ammunition, too. But after calculating this, you need the speed of the bullet, AFTER it leaved the barrell and covered its distance towards the target. If the bullet arrived, you can calculate the A-Square-Shock-Power-Index (I guess this one is used for weapons??) in reference to the energy of movement of the bullet, it's diameter and the exact resistance of the target. Imagine 100 player on a single server standing in front of a wall and shooting 100 bullets in it with their M249. The server will not take this anymore :D So just don't be too exact... but I'll give you beans for mentioning the fact, that it is not just amunition what counts in regard of weapon-damage.
  6. Khad (DayZ)

    Maybe not an original idea, but...

    Which one must be the Zombie? /o/
  7. Khad (DayZ)

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Sure they will. When vehicles will be implemented.
  8. Khad (DayZ)

    Fast/Safe Item Trading (serverfriendly)

    Why are you reposting this?
  9. Khad (DayZ)

    Chat functions

    I would never stand still and WIRTE into direct communication >_O. But I would respond via mic - eventually these guys had none.
  10. The permadeathsystem would suffer, if we implement a twinksystem. And... PvE is a little pointless, like the gentleman above me pointed out. I guess, that it's up to the devs to focus more on PvE by designing even more dangerous Z's. ------ Übrigens glaube ich nicht, dass deutsche Übersetzungen in einem doch weitgehend englischsprachigen Bord nötig sind. Die verwirren vielleicht mehr als sie helfen ^_^
  11. Regarding to the medical-system: What if, you would need to sedite one in order to pull the bullets out of him. If you don't, he can become unconscious or even die by reflex. You would have to sedite him with morphine. Or if you got none, you have to use alcohol. I would suggest, that you become unconscious by alcohol but can't die due the operation.
  12. Khad (DayZ)

    [STANDALONE] Lower the crouch running speed value

    The crouchrun is realistic. But it should affect your stamina more then running. Well... once real stamina is implemented at all.
  13. Khad (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone - Global Banned

    I hope you've learned something from it. Btw you just have to buy a new copy. Or go back to COD, if they got no BE :)
  14. Will BE still ban global? Like baning your BF4-Account for cheating in DayZ? Would love to see it.
  15. Khad (DayZ)

    My suggestions as a new DayZ Player

    It's just not a casual game, but I can agree with the last two points.
  16. Khad (DayZ)

    How do i download and play?

  17. Khad (DayZ)

    Battleye is now on experimental servers.

    Why don't we use VAC? I think it is one of the most feared, because it could waste your whole Steamacc? And btw. BattleEye is just fine... but there are just too many ways to bypass it and hide your cheats. It's like I would say Kaspersky is bad, because it can't detect a virus, which just came out 15 seconds ago. You know what I mean?
  18. Khad (DayZ)

    whats should we do

  19. Khad (DayZ)

    800m headshot (helmet protection works) ?

    Is there any transparent source for things like this? I've never found in the wiki, what which item can exactly do. It was just like "I've heard it from one guy, who knows it from the devs" :D
  20. Khad (DayZ)

    Goal? What goal?

    'Roleplay'-Gamegoal= Stay alive. Yes, you could do this, but it would be really boring. So the goal turned into = experience your own adventure. So, I'm sure you haven't seen everything of the map yet or have done everything one could do. I think, that with the new ZombieAI and the masses of hordes, there will be a new feature, like killing all the Z's in one area O_O. I hope, that they will drop some usefull supplies in this stage.
  21. Khad (DayZ)

    Mute people with duct tape!

    What about Ducttape and Rope? Wanna see a guy yelling with some meters rope in his mouth.
  22. Khad (DayZ)


    Can we have wallhack hives with aimbots and instant gear-boxes on the coast? -Hardcore -Recruit -Cheater Seems to fit every taste.
  23. Khad (DayZ)

    Zombie numbers

    I'm going to make this short: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/DayZ_Standalone#AI
  24. Khad (DayZ)

    Gentleman Bandit? Its still possible.

    Well, I've never found one! But I got one after my last shootout. Well...basically some douche just shot his own mate and my mate, while the last one went in his room. I was able to loot his buddy, after he combatlogged 8D.
  25. Khad (DayZ)

    Newbie question

    Eat untill you're full. Drink until you're full. Stop running around. Another solution is a salinebag. Or a blood transfusion. But make sure, you got the same bloodtype. Otherwise ... "You are dead." Btw.: Food&Drink will restore your blood. And your blood will restore your health after some time, if it's full. Don't forget to take your additional vitamines and good luck \o