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Everything posted by tenbucc2

  1. tenbucc2

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    got a couple questions for you guys... Do you have a server or what's the location of the server that you typically play out of? When do you typically group together?
  2. Any idea why the Taviana 1.5 download on DayZland.EU seems to end at 130 megs. I can't find any other mirrors either.
  3. Definitely come and check you guys out since i'm an aging, partially grey, 37 yo gamer myself. In game name is Hunnicutt... as in BJ Hunnicutt. I think you'd need to be at least mid 30s and seen a lot of MASH reruns to understand the name.
  4. tenbucc2

    West Coast?

    Hi there, I'm a returning player but still pretty new, looking for a MATURE West Coast (US) group or server. Anyone have any recommendations?
  5. tenbucc2

    You want a currency system?

    Considering i've only ever come across 1 person in-game that was friendly, and 99 that were hostile... i don't really see the point of currency. i might if there were an NPC outpost, but i doubt that will ever happen. I might also see a point if there was incentive to establish contact with other players... but as of now i stay FAR away from other players.
  6. tenbucc2

    Shopping carts

    i would imagine these would have to stay on the roads. i don't think you'd get very far pushing a shopping cart through gravel or a cow pasture irl. they also make a terrible racket. not ideal in an apocalyptic situation. i'd stay as far away from them as i possibly could but if you would like drive one through Elektro, by all means, go ahead.
  7. tenbucc2

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    happened to me too. first i though i was crazy. not sure if this has anything to do with it but i seem to be teleporting back to a pond where i was trying to fill my canteen with no success. after repositioning and attempting to fill about 25 times, i gave up. could it stem from some bug in inventory management?
  8. yep! totally ALTHOUGH... I'm sure ghillies weren't designed with the bigger packs in mind. Ghillie is a snipers uniform and they tend to travel light. i think anything bigger than an alice should see some animation. checks and minuses! if you don't want to sacrifice stealth with a huge pack on, you should be able to throw it in the bushes and come back and grab it but risk someone coming across it if you don't hide it well enough. additionally though, I don't think a big pack should sacrifice your stealth with zombies. they don't attack packs when they're sitting in a loot pile. if anything.. if you're wearing a ghillie you should be able to spook the zombies and have them run away from you ;)
  9. tenbucc2

    Gun with 1 clip?

    i like the dynamic of no gun. i think you're more likely to team up with someone you come across when you both don't have a weapon. you can't shoot each other so you don't. it gives you a collective goal. If you did spawn off with a makrov and one clip... someone could bassically smoke you out with what shots they have, replace the clip they just wasted, take your bandage and mosey along the trail. although i do own a gun, i think most people don't. i think it's more realistic to spawn without one.
  10. tenbucc2

    DayZ Supply drop

    i think something like... if you can find the parts to fix the radio tower and base station, then the radio will work for radioing out for a drop. then you have to hoof it to the drop location and wait, or make it there and put down a smoke grenade in the proper location. It brings up some other issues like treading the terrain to get there quickly without dieing. also doesn't stop anyone else from seeing the plane drop the supplies and trying to launch an assault on you while you pick through it all. seems like an awesome quest.
  11. tenbucc2

    Wheelchairs anyone?

    WHEEL BARROW too!!!! carry some extra gear. lol
  12. tenbucc2

    Let us start fires with them Road Flares

    agreed! irl you could start a house on fire with a flare... a match - sure but it'd take a min
  13. tenbucc2

    Indicating you are friendly

    maybe a little off subject ,but i saw a video where the character moves his hands above his head... sorta like a simulated jumping jack (minus the jumping)... anyone know how to do that? for the life of me i can't find that video again either.
  14. tenbucc2

    Starting Without a Gun (1.7.1-

    couple of things i learned abotu the update from spawning without a gun.... RUN! go up a hill. run through a long building. the zombies are much easier to lose now... they wont chase you forever and you can go prone and hide from them if you get enough distance and line of site broken. pick up emtpy cans and bottles! throw them. since you have the extra room now, carry them around. it works.
  15. not even sure if this is possible but... first off let me preface that the new update as much a i hated it at first (spawnign without a gun, etc) is fuckin LOVELY. the game is MUCH harder, there's a lack of drinks, food and guns are scarce and it brings a whole new aspect to the game. My issue is that, once you get established, loaded with a nice weapon or two, food, water, pack and a real skill for avoiding Z's the only exciting alternative to continued plundering is turning to banditry. this isn't an anti-banditry rant as much as it is providing an alternative. the alternative being building up a ride and getting the F out of Dodge. What i'm suggesting is level 2. getting there would require the building of an automobile and finding the way out. we all know it's really tough to build transportation unless you have a good crew. you need room in your inventory and several trip with a gas can etc etc etc... provided you can get it done and find your way, level 2 could be as simple as the same map (although something different from arma would be nice) with an increased zombie count (maybe even roaming hordes) but better loot at less population, or any combination that adds too and increased difficulty of play. like i said i'm not sure if it's even possible, it would most likely require a separate server that requires a level system for entry or something but it would be fantastic for group play. Wouldn't change the dynamic of what exists now other than people might group together more in order to build a vehicle. those uninterested could continue their journey in the same fashion.
  16. tenbucc2

    new section as new level

    i think this is more about a continued journey rather than a destination. There's nothing that would make you leave Chernarus if staying is your preference. On another point... it's not about gaining levels as a show of expertise or accomplishment as much as it is about crossing a bridge by the means required to cross it. if you want to bring up you blood, you get a transfusion or get a knife and gut and animal, cut some wood with a hatchet and use matches to start a fire and cook the meat... why not a vehicle for an end means. Even in a model like this, nothing is to stop a bandit from hitching a ride in an open seat and murking the whole crew that gave him a ride for all their equipment.
  17. tenbucc2

    Rearrange status icons

    i'd like to add a status for position and run toggle... especially when i'm on a server that bans 3rd person, it's hard to tell if i'm crouching or standing. when i'm inside of a house or a barn and can hear Z's outside, be nice to know if my run toggle was down so i don't run by accident and alert them. it's happened way too many times
  18. happened to me last night. wiring on both entrances... i played with prone and finally got past it... no loot. a zombie heard me, walked in right past the wiring like it wasn't even there and followed me around as i made laps around the house trying to gain enough space to play with prone until i could get out. i couldn't :( respawn! once you leave the site, it should have a short shelf life. trying to create a nice protected zone is one thing but stopping people from dicking around should be standard.
  19. tenbucc2

    Player Tags/Player Models

    i have to agree with the eliminate tags concept. Last night i had just spawned, i was headed over to the power plant by elektro... i scanned the the building on the limited zoom and saw two different tags pop up. obviously i avoided the building altogether because i would either run into them and get shot (i was unarmed) or go into a building that had already been looted. it was convenient for me but it's a cheat. it needs to go.
  20. tenbucc2

    Communications system

    according to my steam account i have about 50 hours of gameplay. Probably half of that was spent on finding servers, reconnecting from the "loading" screen and disconnecting from night time servers. regardless, i have a fair amount of time in-game but i still haven't figured out the communications system. everyone speaks in "side" channel not global - why? what's the difference? Direct channel doesn't work or does it? if it does, is it effected by range? What's the solution in working in a team? is there a channel we can use to chat without talking on the side or global channels?
  21. tenbucc2

    Communications system

    nice. thanks fro the run down
  22. while i agree with Pug i also think that due to the game's nature... if one were to max out their morality meter to its negative limitation, a bout of auditory hallucinations might be a good end result. give you bandits something to achieve
  23. tenbucc2

    Restoring Civilization

    Some next level stuff for sure. i like the idea.
  24. tenbucc2

    A new 'incentive' to encourage cooperation

    While i agree with the classes, i'm not sure starting out with a full featured set of equipment is a good idea. My main advice would be to create a couple classes that receive a +3ish bonus (Infantry to weapon accuracy, Mechanic to vehicle repair and operation, Medical to application of aids) providing a Civilian class on the other hand, could be another option. adding one that's capable of learning through practice. but the civilian would a set up up that would make an attractive offer to compensate for the lack of skill. Something like the ability to achieve a plus 3 in all aspects, where as the other classes could only achieve a plus 2 in areas outside their focus.
  25. tenbucc2

    Right clicking problem

    i think i know what's happening to you because it's the same thing that happens to me. When you go into you pack and click on an item, do you notice that the selection will jump around? say for instance if you click on a can of beans, it will highlight in green but then the green highlight will move to the other squares within your pack... almost like the tab key is being held down... if so, i wrote a post about this earlier where someone suggested that it was something in Steam that was causing the issue. they suggested pressing escape then tab and somehow it worked a small amount but i still had the problem. have you tried not playing the game through Steam? I downloaded the 6launcher last night through the forum here... it allows you to play to launch the game in something other than Steam. I'll have to check to see if it solves the issue.