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Everything posted by wowi132

  1. I ran into Berezino and was trying to help a bambi open some of his canned food at the police station ( i know, not the best spot to do so, but it's irrelevant to the point ) when all of a sudden explosions rained down upon us. At first i thought we'd been spotted by a bandit and he tried to kill us with a grenade, but it wasnt just a single explosion. The first explosion broke both the bambi and I's legs and we crawled for cover underneath the stairs, when 3 more grenades were thrown, at various different angles to try and hit us through our cover. Luckily i survived, mostly uninjured except for a broken leg and looooots of ruined stuff. It made me think though, what was it that had just hit us? I wasn't sure if the spawn rate on grenades had increased to a point that would allow a bandit to waste 4 of them trying to hit a bambi. Any ideas?
  2. As stated, i was standing inside the police station at Berezino with no fuel station around... I think the dupe bug might have been to blame, thanks everyone :)
  3. 1] Nickname: Tickledick 2] Region(Country): Denmark 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes, i am currently active for about an hour each day, willing to step that up a notch if it is needed. 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: I do have Ts3, i havent been using it much however so a crash course on how it is working will be needed. I do have a working microphone aswell. 5] Steam name: Mr. Tickledick 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: Been playing DayZ since the mod first started gaining in popularity ( june/july 2011 to be specific ) Back just before the Revolver was removed as starting weapon, and replaced with the Makarov. I have 300+ play hours on DayZ Mod ( unable to count it precisely due to the use of DayzCommander and Six Launcher, which disabled Steam play time counter ), and 50 hours currently on DayZ Standalone. 7] How many Clans have you been In: ¨I have been in 2 clans so far, 1 of them i started myself along with a few friends of mine. I have not been in any clans in DayZ Standalone as of yet. 8] Previous experience: my time was mostly spent on Namalsk, Panthera, Lingor or Taviana servers, as those maps simply were the ones who appealed the most to me. I was in a clan once, dedicated to helping bambis on a Lingor server which me and my close friends were supporting at the time. Over the course of a few months i became our main pilot, and as a result i have become quite decent not only at driving, but also at flying both planes and helicopters. In DayZ standalone it doesen't look so bright however. The bugs and lack of vehicles have kept me from getting as much into it as i did with DayZ mod. i am with my 50 play hours however, still quite capable af defending myself here. One of my primary attributes in DayZ Standalone has been to work as a sort of 'navigator' for me and my friends. Unlike in DayZ mod, you cant just use ingame maps and markers to get to places, so i have been forced to find my way around without the use of such items, and as a result i know 50% of the map ( primarily north and around the eastern coast ) without having to even glance at a map. I know the way from pretty much anywhere, to pretty much any of the major attractions. I will however need the use of an in-browser map, or an ingame map, if i am to find one of the less-visited attractions. 9] How many bandits have you killed: I was a pretty good bandit hunter back on DayZ Mod, especially during my clan days we specialized in tracking down and killing bandits. Being honest with you, i didn't count them, but 100+ is for sure. In DayZ Standalone i have not been so active, primarily due to the lack of a competent clan, but have still managed to kill quite a few bandits. 10] Are you willing to help other players: Of course. If they are friendly towards me i will be friendly towards them. Whenever i come across a friendly player in need of something, i tend to try my best at helping them get that something, be it food, medicine or even a weapon. I will be honest with you however, i do not hesitate to shoot them if they are threatening me, or are in any other way obviously not friendly. I will also in most cases not engage in contact with an armed player, if i havent managed to get contact with them. Either by typing or by the voice chat. This is only in cases where the player in question is armed though, if they are showing now visible signs of being armed, i will usually approach them even though they havent responded to me in the chat.
  4. Yeah they are still overpowered. Or, some of the time atleast. Like honestly, lets make a list. -Teleport through walls - Invisible until 1 second away from hitting you. i dont know about you but i do not have that fast a reaction time - They pop up at the WEIRDEST of places, like, i met one while at the tiny little Old Sawmill...wtf?! - there are waaay too many of em'. i dont know if this is only the server that i,m playing on, but i sometimes find myself jumped by 2 or 3 of these things... Which is simply too much - OP to fresh spawns. I,m not talking people who have nothing, ofc. they are a thread to completely fresh spawns, but i mean, even with a winchester or akm, you rarely stand a chance - Stunning you slightly when they hit you. I dont know if this is only for me, but when they hit me, they seem to kinda stop my character from running, for about 0.5 or 1 second, only just enough for them to catch up with me and hit me again, and thus starting the cycle over... now THAT is op I like them because my clan has granted me a vehicle, so i can just run to that and flee. But sometime, when i lose that vehicle, i,ll be truly fucked.
  5. Hi Whenever i try to join a lingor, namalsk, panthera or celle server... it takes me briefly to the names-list, and then just sends me back to the server list... Its started happening on chernarus too Why? D:
  6. Well hallelujah! :D We using skype or ts3? And are we speaking english or???
  7. Lulz, forgot to mention i play dayz, not warz or garrys mod.
  8. Hey there! I,m from Denmark. Ready to kill some zambies wiff mah scandinavian brothers! :D haha, derp. Anyways, i,d love to join the group, just because i love Scandinavia. Name: Daniel Ingame Name: Daniel Eriksen Skype Name: Daniel.eriksen123 Age: 16 bio: Well... I,m 16 years old. I live in denmark. Just finished school, going to... gymnasium or whatever the f*ck its called xD My written english is pretty good ( or so i,m told ) but my spoken english is horrible xD I love Norway, Sweden, Iceland and partly Finland. All scandinavians are mah ( distant ) brothers. Now, invite me! i,m tired of being alone xD
  9. Hi there! i will start, by introducing myself. my name is daniel, and i,m a 19 year old danish boy denmark lies in europe, and i,m studying to become a lawyer. but dont you think i,m boring because of that ;) after my studies, my pc is the thing that means the most to me. feel free to introduce yourself too :) now that we got that settled, i wanted to ask if anyone here would be up for a small group? 5-10 peeps. as i live in europe, you guys must live in europe too, to minimize lag. we will talk over skype, but if anyone, dont like skype, i,m sure we could figure something out with vent or teamspeak too :) if you kill or friendly fire on purpose one single time, your out. we share EVERYTHING, food, water, bandages, ammo, everything. most importantly!with that being said, send me your steam or skype in a reply below, tell me if you're interested. bring a good mood! :) and i,ll hopefully see you guys ingame ;) EDIT: it seems i forgot to tell how we were gonna meet up. i am almost out of food, so i would rather doing a " new spawn " but if no one is up for that, we can meet somewhere too, as long as it aint too far from the coast.
  10. I just died myself btw, so i,ll be at he coast -.-
  11. Hey i,d like to join! :-D just add me on skype - Daniel.eriksen123 I,m danish, and 19 years old, so my english might not be too good though :P
  12. wowi132

    Trading m4a1 or m16a2 for a m24

    well... if anyone is in a generous mood, they can give a poor noob who just died ( me ) a gun :D
  13. Dont get me wrong. i dont hate americans or asians, i just prefer to play in my own timezone :) So, first off, i,ll try to give y'all a little backstory on why i am here... lets start with the day i started playing I started playing 2 weeks ago, approximately. none of my friends wanted to play with me ( :'( ) naah dont get me wrong, i do have friends, that are just awesome, but they dont have the same " passion " for zombie apocalypse games as i have. So, i started two weeks ago, and i had a good long conversation with the creator of the mod ( forgot his name ) because i constantly died, and he felt really sorry for me :D anyways. he told me to make some friends, that way i'd be more safe. and so, with the blessings of the mod creator, i set out on a journey to find people to play with. I ran around in cherno/elektro ( i did not know the names of them back then ) constantly yelling ( this was before the general and side chat was removed ) "ANY FRIENDLY IN THE TOWN WITH THE BIG HARBOR WITH CRANES ON IT?" there was absolutely no friendlies... everyone i met, killed me. some followed me around, helping me gather some stuff, then killing me for the stuff afterwards... so... for the past 5-7 days i,ve been a constant lone wolf. and i,ve been doing GREAT! i was alive for atleast 5 irl days, and during those days, i came across 2 helicopter crash sites, with great stuff in them... and i was doing good, running into a small village with my new machine gun, shooting all the Z'eds, getting food and running for the hills. but yesterday, i witnessed an extreme eye opener. I was just outside this small village that i had just looted, as i spot a lone ( thats what i though ) player, he didnt have a gun, so as good as i now am i pack up and start to run to him, but before i get there, he accidently pulls alot of Z'eds ( and i mean ALOT, 20-30, the entire town i think ) It was too much for me to handle, so i backed off again. not long after, some other people show up, and i think " oh crap, they're gonna kill him, i better get outta here " ( i had some pretty good stuff on me then, so i wouldent risk helping him ) ... but as soon as i turned around, i heard shots, and i turn around again, expecting to see the poor guy dead. he was not. the 3-4 people that had showed up, they came to HELP him. they were his friends. and at that moment, i thought " that could have been me " but had it been me, i wouldent have survived it, as i had no one to help me out. later that night, i stumbled upon a big band of bandits, 6-7 atleast... they shot me and took my stuff... END OF STORY! So, back to the topic :D I wanted to hear if anyone would be willing to make a group? i would prefer you being danish ( my language ) as my english aint very good, but we can speak english aswell :) european only, to minimize lag, and work out timezones better. add me on skype : daniel.eriksen123 or steam : wowii122 or just reply to this thread if you are interested or have questions peace :)
  14. The title might be misleading but i didnt want it to be too long. what i meant was " What i think should be changed in future patches " this is only my opinion, and i,m putting this out there, just to see if i,m the only one that has this opinion. 1. zombie...zigzagging... nuff said 2. Higher loot rates, i believe there used to be that, but it were taken down a bit. i think they should take it up again, i,ll have to check halfway through cherno to find anything else than empty whiskey bottles and tin cans. 3. vehicles less rare... i understand that they should be rare in a game like dayZ... but they are TOO rare... please, just make em' spawn once ever 3rd or 4th town, rather than once or twice on the entire map. 4. GIVE US BACK OUR STARTING ITEMS... This, does NOT cooperate well with nr. 2, seriously... i can live with low loot rates, and i can live without starter items. but both!? Its to hard to start up again once you've died now. 5. Millitary weapons spawn rarely in residential/industrial areas aswell... instead of just the 5-6 millitary spots in entier chernarus... again, this was just MY opinion, if you didnt like it please just go away from this page. if you agree'd with me, on any, or all of these, please tell me in the comments :)
  15. well thanks for you all's opinions... i can live with you disagreeing, but keep the hate out of it. its easy to write "i disagree with all of this, (insert reason here)" instead of doing " none of your ideas are original, use the search function" Just tell me if you agree/disagree, and give me a valid reason why. its not hard
  16. you misunderstood me. i didnt want anyone who didnt agree, to post a comment, because i knew it would lead to "YOU NOOB, VEHICLES ARE EAASY TO FIND " comments, and other things of that caliber... and so what if my ideas arent original? i wasnt making a thread that i was gonna send in to dean and force him to make it that way. i only just said what I thought should be changed? why should i search for that? but thanks for the comment anyway...
  17. wowi132

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi! My name is Daniel, i,m a 19 year old boy. i am from denmark ( a small country in northwest europe ) I am an extreme noob at dayZ, even though i,ve played it for a couple weeks now. i keep dying all the time, and i,m the only one of my friends who like " zombie survival " games, so i,m all alone. which is partly why i came here, anyone willing to do a group? best if you are from denmark aswell, as my english is not too good, but we can speak english if only english people want to :) I usually play on gmt+1 or UTC servers, as that is my own timezone, but any other european timezone will work too :)
  18. Hi there! so, i havent been playing this game for a very long time, 2 weeks or something. but i still wanna make a sort of do/dont do list, based on my first impressions. as i am a noob, please correct me if any of this is wrong. dont do's 1. Unless its a very un-populated server, never go into cherno/elektro 2. never trust players you just met. 3. Never waste ammo on a running zombie, because of the zigzagging. 4. NEVER, EVER! use a lee enfield 5. never swim... i had to learn that the hard way 6. Like the lee enfield, the winchester has a long audible range. do not use it in towns. Do's 1. Find food before ammo/weapons 2. stay quiet and stealthy, even when you have a good weapon. 3. search through the small villages, not cherno/elektro/zeleno, unless its a very low populated server 4. prioritize drinks above food, in a recent update, they made it so your drinks thingy go down faster than the food thingy. realistic bullsh*t =D 5. search for shelter when its raining/dark. if any of this isnt correct with the majority, please let me know =)
  19. wowi132

    a newbies to-do list

    yes' date=' and a fire can do the same. running can also slow down how fast body temp decreases [hr'] the lee enfield is absolutely useless... there are many weapons that one-shot
  20. wowi132

    A dayZ story.

    We were at home, watching TV. it was just an ordinary day. when suddenly, the tv switched on to " emergency news " which told us that a strange pandemic had broken out in Chernarus, which happened to be our home town. it appeared at first, as if the government had it under control, but after a few days, the infected overwhelmed Chernarus, and butchered everyone. Me and my friend, barely escaped a very close encounter. we didnt have any stuff at that point. After escaping, we decided to make a plan, we wanted to secure ourselves, and then start looking for survivors. and so we did We spent the next 2-3 days, scavenging through the ruins of Chernarus. One night, we ended up in this particularly large town, by the coast. Infected were everywhere. but at that moment, we heard gunshots, and saw a figure in the distance, running towards us, fleeing from the infected. Me and my friend decided to help the guy out. after all, that was our original intentions. We approached him, yelling that we were here to help him. he came closer, and so did the horde. we pulled up our guns, took aim, and shot. 2 infected dropped dead behind the lone survivor. we took aim and shot again, 2 more fell. after a few well placed shots, there were no more infected, and the survivor had been saved. Me and my friend were very pleased with ourselves, not only did we survive our first " real " encounter with an infected, but we also managed to save a lone survivor. it appeared as if he was unarmed. we bowed down, to open our bagpacks, looking for something to help the poor guy. BANG! We fell to the ground, bleeding heavily. the survivor we first though we had saved, had pulled forth a Lee enfield, and shot us. the last thing we saw before our hourglass went out, was a horde of zombies, running towards the survivor. our characters died, but we were sitting there with a big smile on our face, and the first thing we both though was The lee enfield's hidden ultimate abillity = Attract every zombie in town Thus ended my little story =D hope you liked it =) if you did, please comment, if you did not, please let me know what i did wrong. p.s. This story was based on real events, ( the first week of my friend and i's gameplay ) but has been cheesed up a bit, to make it more intertaining.
  21. wowi132

    2 Friends Looking for 2 Partners

    i wanna join! :D i speak english ( i,m from denmark, so i am no expert) but i can talk it, and have a normal conversation i just died, so i have NOTHING... :( can i come anyway? i would consider myself extremely friendly... i wont even be mad if you kill me ;) :D i,m 19 i have skype, daniel.eriksen123 oh i,m loyal. if you guys want me, i,m sure we can have a blast
  22. wowi132

    anyone up for a group?

    ah, forgot to add that into the post :) hmm, that depends on the majority, i can do anything ( though i,m out of food, so someone will have to help me get to the destination ) :D if its possible for you to get to the coast, it would be best. but we can meet up somewhere too :)
  23. wowi132

    Unluckiest Thing That Happened To You?

    i got disconnected, in a small claustrophobic house... when i logged back in, i was stuck in the wall, and a player came and shot me.